Chapter 12

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The Boy Who Lived and Family.

31 October 1981 saw a miracle like never before taking place. The Wizarding World was saved, not by Dumbledore, not by The Ministry of Magic, not the Aurors, but by a young family of three – The Potter Family. Late at night on Halloween(Samhain for the traditionalists), the Dark Lord better known as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named attacked the young Potter family at their family cottage in Godric's Hollow. In a rather twisted turn of events though, all the Potters have miraculously survived while the Dark Lord has not.

How is this possible? Who vanquished the Dark Lord you may ask?

You may think it is James Potter, Pureblood heir to the Potter fortune, although not a part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight due to their close association with muggle-borns and muggles, the Potters have no less of an excellent pedigree than the Blacks, descending from the much feared Peverell family itself. Or, you may think it could be Lily Evans-Potter, a beautiful muggle-born witch lucky enough to marry into the Potter Family. You would be wrong on both accounts.

While official sources are mum on the subject, one confidential informant has revealed that the Dark Lord's body was found directly opposite the crib where the young Potter child was and that after the incident the Potter child now bears a lighting bolt curse scar on his forehead.

How is this possible? Who is this child? Is he someone lucky? Or powerful? Or is it merely a fact that he is of Peverell blood, a family of insanely powerful necromancers rumored to be favored by Death itself?

In any case, it is surely a miracle that the Potter's have survived and the wizarding world is now and forever more indebted to them and moreover to Harry James Potter – The Boy Who Lived.

"Seriously? The boy-who-lived? Really?"

Flaming red hair whipped around as emerald eyes burning with anger turned onto the ageing headmaster of Hogwarts as Lily Potter slapped the latest copy of the Daily Prophet onto the table in front of him. Tired blue eyes looked back at her. None of his thoughts or predictions were coming true.

"My baby is hardly two years old and they're calling him a saviour?" Lily hissed out at the old man. She had lost a lot of respect for him, especially in the aftermath of Halloween, three days ago when he had not believed she and James had survived and tried to take Harry from her and had thought Sirius a traitor.

"I understand that your upset-"

"Oh no no no. I am not upset. I was upset when you tried to take my child from me. I was upset when you tried to brand my friend a traitor, I was upset when random people tried to mob our house to get to my child, and I was upset when someone tried to send my baby fireworks in an envelope. I am furious now. My patience is at the limit and I am this close." She held up her thumb and forefinger with barely any space between them. "This close to taking my family and leaving, for good. It is only out of courtesy for you that we haven't and here is an article saying god knows what about my child. Fix it or you will not see my son at Hogwarts in 10 years as you desperately want to."

A tired sigh escaped Dumbledore and he knew he couldn't say anything right now, the dark side would want them to leave the country as it would be easier to kill them off that way, and the light would support them as they would want them to do what is best for their families, he couldn't use any pressure to keep them here, it was the simple fact that the Potter family was too powerful right now and he couldn't coerce or force them in any way.

"What do you expect me to do?"

A satisfied smile spread over ruby-red lips.

"Maybe start by telling your followers to stop talking about my child like he is a specimen, especially the likes of Dedalus, Elphias, and Mundungus, especially Mundungus." She grit out at the memory of finding an image of her child in the paper which none of her trusted few had taken or given. It had taken a while for their solicitors to figure out that Mundungus had sold his memory of the one time he had seen Harry at an order meeting.

"Dedalus and Elphias care very much for young Harry-"

"No they care about the fact that he is the boy-who-lived. They care because you care and they are trying to turn him into another you." Lily spit out before Dumbledore could continue.

"I would say being me is not that bad." Dumbledore replied mildly.

"Harry can barely walk or talk properly, I do not want him to be someone who the world looks to to solve their problems. My son deserves to grow as a normal child. That is taken away already, he at least deserves to not be looked to to solve the problems of the world. You yourself often say how taxing it is. Am I not right?"

Silence prevailed in the office as the portraits of previous headmasters looked from Lily to Dumbledore as one would a tennis match. None of them had wanted to interrupt the volleying of platitudes and well placed barbs.

A pained expression crossed blue eyes, perhaps she was right. After all, all that he had thought till now was turning to be wrong, maybe he was wrong in this aspect too. Harry was still a child, and if his worries came to the forefront in the future, he could still help mould the child properly, but the cut, the symbol, the mark.

To say or not to say.

They would worry and enquire various people as to how to solve it if they knew, and the news would spread. He could not afford that. People should think it was just a cursed scar, he couldn't afford anyone looking too closely at it. He was the only one who could know, only one who knew, and he needed to keep an eye on him to plan out his next steps.

"Very well my dear, I shall do as you say. I'll even tell the minister and the press to stop printing about you."

"Thank you." Lily relies gratitude slipping into her tone.

Just as Dumbledore opened his mouth to speak, a magnificent stag entered the room, cantering urgently to stand between Lily and Dumbledore. James's voice poured out of it, stopping Lily's heart and forcing Dumbledore out of his chair with a speed that belied his age.


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