Chapter 18

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Harry had slipped. He had slipped and he had made a mistake. A huge, idiotic mistake which could probably end the world. And considering why he was here, he wasn't even exaggerating. Ha! Take that 'Mione and her 'You're always so dramatic Harry!'

He had been enjoying time with his family so much, that he had been...procrastinating his original reason for having this life.

He had been thinking that he had more time, that he could enjoy time with his family more, yet the argument that Dumbledore and Sirius had had on the twins' birthday had splashed water all over his face. Especially when he had found out what it had been about.


The day after the birthday Harry had tried to get his parents and godparents to divulge to him what had led to Albus and Sirius arguing the twins' birthday. Unfortunately he was still 5 in body and no adult in their right mind would involve a toddler in politics. He very nearly even threw a tantrum at the 'injustice' of it. Yet, he was after all in his mid twenties mentally. Probably, he wasn't sure.

Meh. Not like he cared. He had never thrown a tantrum before and he wouldn't now. It just wasn't in him. His siblings though were another story completely. But that was a story for another time. His eyes tracked the floating lights across his ceiling, sleep evading him as his mind went over the problem.

So. So now here he was. A not-quite-five-not-quite-twenty year old, who needed to reset the world yet had no means to do it. And his parent's wouldn't tell him anything because again he was a child to them. His only option would be to somehow sneak out and find out the information, yet even that was impossible with how big on security his family was. He scowled slightly wondering if he could somehow contact Evangeline to discuss this problem. It would be easier for him to contact Death, he could always feel the entity in the back of his mind, yet he did not want to disturb the all powerful, world-ending being unless it was a last resort. Death was well...death and even though he was assured he had some favour with the entity he wasn't sure how they would react to being summoned by a human. Besides Evangeline had appeared to him in his dreams which means he should be able to do the same. She had explained the theory to him once a while back, but he hadn't actually tried it till now.

Resolving to try to solve this one way or another, Harry stubbornly closed his eyes, willing his mind to quiet down and go to sleep, and since the only thing greater than his ever running mind was his stubbornness, he actually did end up falling asleep.

As his eyes closed in the physical, mortal realm, his soul woke up in a house, a house which he had never been in before. It was cosy and warm, with beautiful blue walls and soft rose wood accents. But his attention was immediately drawn to the girl beside him, his melancholic struck counterpart whose very face was the picture of sorrow and longing. Following her line of sight he silently observed the family in front of them. Two men were lounging on the sofa, cuddling while they looked lovingly as the pre-teen in front of them spoke something in animated tones with vivid hand gestures. One of the men and the child shared the same sharp features, the same too sharp features he saw in Evangeline.

"Evangeline?" Harry asked hesitatingly. The white haired girl startled before turning around, their surrounding fading off into the dust revealing a rolling white platform, the same platform that they had met the first time.

"Harry!" She exclaimed startled, her eyes darted to their fading surroundings before her longing was hidden away and she focused on Harry.

"Is everything alright?" She asked in the same pleasant tone she always used. Harry hesitated slightly, wondering if he should ask her about their previous surroundings, about the people who held obvious relation to her. Her faux-relaxed posture strained imperceptibly and her smile began to slip under the strain.

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