Leaving isn't an option.

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Y/n woke up to the clones who were in shock. But she was terrified when she saw five demons in front of her and staring at her.

"Who are you?! Where am I?!" Y/N demanded out of fear.

Aizetsu was the one to walk over, wrapping his arms around Y/N.

"calm down, sorrowful mortal, you're safe with us," Aizetsu said reassuringly, which made Y/N even more Scared.

"Oh, What the fuck!? Let go of me!? I wanna go home!!" Y/N said due to panic.

Sekido was getting annoyed by Y/N yelling so he grabbed his khakkhara staff and gave Y/N a hard wack on the back of the head which both shocked everyone and caused Y/N to fall unconscious.

"Sekido what the hell!" Urogi shouted.

"Oh fuck off, Urogi" Sekido replied.

Karaku just smirked. "Our wife sure is pretty sexy~" Karaku commented.

"Keep it in your damn pants for once," Aizetsu said, putting the unconscious Y/N back on the bed.

Hantengu squirmed in Sekido's hand, trying to get out until Sekido let go of Hantengu, letting him crawl back up onto Y/N's chest where he curled up and enjoyed her warmth once again.

The clones then realized something.

"Guys, when the human wakes up she's gonna be freaked out. Not to mention she probably doesn't even remember us, especially Hantengu" Urogi pointed out.

"We could turn her into a demon" Hantengu suggested, hopping off Y/N's chest.

The other clones looked at Hantengu as if he was crazy.

"Are you insane?! Lord Muzan couldn't possibly allow a random human to become a demon especially one we found" Sekido said, glaring at Hantengu.

"But then again, Muzan-sama might like that we have a new clone within our bodies when we split," Karaku said, licking his upper lip.

"If you're thinking about sex, karaku, I swear to fucking God I'll rip out and feed you your organs" Sekido threatened.

"Don't threaten me with a good time, Sekido. You have no idea how many kinks I can have underneath all this" Karaku said while pointing at himself.

"Disgusting..." Sekido growled under his breath, clutching his khakkhara staff so hard his veins were popping out of his hands.

Eventually, Y/N woke up late on, but with the consequences of a raging headache. The clones of course trying to care for her by giving her some ice, and medicine.

Sekido didn't want to apologize, at least not yet since he wanted to apologize a different way later on...

Within a day Y/N's headache went away, but she didn't trust the clones. How could she be they had kidnapped her and one just simply smacked her on the back of the head like it wasn't life-threatening?

Within a week Y/N found out the clone's names and that they left every sundown, she didn't know why but that's all she knew. So one night Y/N pretended to go to bed early to see if she could escape the clones. Little did she know the clones were sneaky.

Y/N had her ear pressed against the wall to listen to the clones who were outside getting ready to leave. She heard them leave and waited half an hour to make sure they were gone.

"Finally they're gone," Y/N thought leaving the room she was in and heading to the front door opening it, and quickly running off, but little did Y/N know that Urogi was perched on a tree secretly watching her every move.

"Seems our little Birdy wants to escape the nest. Can't let that happen" Urogi laughed, quickly spreading his wings and silently following Y/N. But once Y/N took a break, Urogi quickly snatched her up by the shoulders with his talons while laughing.

"HAHAHAHA!! It's funny how you thought we wouldn't notice you fake sleeping. Sorry sweetie but we've been alive long enough to know when you're sleeping and when you're not. Plus, escaping isn't an option you can choose ever!" Urogi said while laughing his ass off and quickly heading back to the cabin. Only to find out Y/N fainted while he was flying back to the cabin. Only to find out Y/N has fainted due to fear of being picked by his talons.

"Whoops, the others are gonna beat my ass," Urogi thought, holding Y/N by his claws instead of his talons, putting her back into the futon before heading back to the other clones.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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