Fulfilled Desire#1: Missing you

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Characters: Marcus and Raine

Requested  Desire: To feel close to boyfriend/husband after being away for a long time. The need for physical connection.

It was a clear day outside and Raine was enjoying one of her rare off days inside her favorite café. She took a bite of her matcha cake as she listened to her favorite songs, her feet tapping in time with some upbeat music.

She was in her own world when she felt someone lightly tap her shoulder. Raine turned her head swiftly; ready to slap the person who interrupted her rare rest time, but the owner's hand was faster, "Whoa! Easy girl!"

"For someone who has been late for exactly thirty minutes, you certainly are cheeky."

The blonde girl sighed, "I didn't mean to be late. I had to finish some last-minute stuff and the boss won't let me leave."

Raine removed the earphones and shook her head," the boss still giving you hell?"

Mirelle shrugged and browsed through the menu for an order "yeah... the usual this and that. Has Marcus called?"

Raine let out an exasperated sigh and looked outside, "he hasn't...times like this I wish I can just ask him to resign and stay here with me."

Mirelle chuckled and placed a hand under her chin, "but you can't say that to him can you?"

"Of course I can't. "Raine shook her head, "I wish it was that easy but as his girl I need to support him... that's the right thing to do."

"Yeah...but it doesn't mean you can't be selfish sometimes. He is your lover. You have some claim over his time."

Raine took a sip of her iced coffee before asking, "do you demand for Earl's time?"

"I'm lucky that he's the type to do things for me without being asked to. But if ever I am in the same situation, I'll just have to tell him to get his act together."

Raine smiled as she got up and kept her things inside her bag, "you're one spoiled girlfriend. I envy you at times. Anyway, let's go... you promised to go shopping with me."

Mirelle sighed but got up anyways, "you always call me when you go shopping. How about you call Marcus instead and have him carry your bags instead? You always make me carry everything and in case you forgot... I'm a lady."

*chuckle* "some lady you are... you and Earl make out in front of me a lot of times regardless of who sees."

The blonde girl turned red and hit Raine's shoulder, "I didn't exactly say I'm the demure kind of lady... and... its not like I can stop Earl once he starts."

"Can't stop your boyfriend or you just don't want to? Seriously you need to mind where you both are... "

"Sounds like someone is feeling neglected... Marcus hasn't met your needs recently?"

"Shut up you shithead"

Mirelle laughed out loud as they walked of the cafe, "ooooh... I hit the nail in the head. I'll have Earl tell Marcus that you are feeling sex deprived."

"I hate you!"

*laugh* "I know... but you didn't refute my statement... or ask me not to tell Marcus you need to be fucked."

"Wash your mouth."

*Laughs louder* "I even used mouthwash earlier... ask Earl."

"Sex crazed couple..."

================LATER THAT AFTERNOON==================

"Ah... we took a long time in that store. Mirelle bought a lot I'm sure Trevor will get angry again...she sure loves getting her stepbrother angry" *sigh*

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