Fulfilled Desire#2: My hot neighbor

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Desire: Sensual Massage from a hot guy 

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Desire: Sensual Massage from a hot guy 

Scenario: It's been a very tiring week for you as an office worker- March being the end of quarter 2 means twice the number of reports that needed completion. Your lower back and shoulder has been aching nonstop and you know that its time for a massage...

Characters: Mira and Daniel/ Dan (picture above)

Let your sensual fantasy begin in.. 3.. 2.. 1:


"Oh god. that felt good."

Marge shot a disgusted look at Mira who stuck a tongue out, "what?"

"Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with you."

Mira chuckled as she opened the lunch packet she bought from the office cafeteria, "one because I'm the only one who can accept your violent tendencies. Two because you are awkward around other people... and three, you hate the rest of the people in the office."

Marge laughed and hit Mira's shoulder, "you make a very valid point there."

"Seriously though.. I love you, Marge but you need to tone down the brutality... I have a bruise on my arm"

"Sorry Mira.. I'm really trying not to lessen the hitting... ah but on another note...you need to get yourself checked. The bone cracks earlier sounded deadly."

Mira sighed as she bit into the bacon, "I know. I tried booking my favorite massage place but they are full on Saturday."

"Hm... how about I book you a home service massage? My boyfriend has a friend who owns one"

Mira raised an eyebrow as she ate the egg whites, "is that safe?"

A box of cold strawberry yogurt was pressed on her face making Mira yelp, "dammit... Andy! What the hell was that for?"

Andy laughed as he kissed Marge's cheek before settling beside her, "for thinking my friend has a questionable store... and for having chubby cheeks."

"Its not my fault my cheeks are chubby! I got them from my mom!"

Marge chuckled and faced Andy who was still grinning, "babe... can you check in with Dan if he can help Mira out on Saturday?"

Andy nodded and whispered that he'll take care of it then continued teasing Mira who was pouting hard at the time.

The day ended uneventfully after Mira trudged home with a small bag of groceries. She was almost at her apartment when she lost her footing on the second step.

She closed her eyes tightly, bracing herself for the impact that never came. She hesitantly opened her eyes and eventually realized that someone is holding her, "are you okay?"

Soft baritone voice filled with worry and Mira slowly turned to look at her savior, "oh... Dan."

Daniel's eyes were filled with mirth and the lack of expression on Mira's face after seeing his, "damn... you didn't even hide the disappointment in that cute face of yours."

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