46__ First day in hell

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Kardian's pov

"I totally hate the structure" I deadpan as I gaze at my new school.

"No one asked and no one cares" Carlson relays and i glare disapprovingly at him.

We are supposed to be in school at 7:00am but this is unfortunately currently 8:30am.


Someone named Heil overslept on their first day of school.. this same person is too nervous to leave his mate's car right now and venture into the school premises, thus, keeping everyone else locked in the car along with him.

We can't blame Heil though, now can we? he was after all homeschooled during his schooling years.

This is his first time and day in hell.

We are currently sitting in this sleek car parked in the school's parking lot... Carlson's of course.

"Uh, are we fucking going in or not?" Jason chirps from the backseat where he's sitting beside his bigfoot of a male.

"Yeah, we're getting late" Jerome adds sassily. I roll my eyes at them.

"We ain't stopping you from leaving, get the fuck out if you must. we need to collect our thoughts first" I deadpan

"Correction, you are just being a pitiful coward right now and is refusing to go in.. and I unfortunately can't leave without you" Carlson sighs exasperatedly and Jerome chuckles.

I pout at their sudden alliance against me, my head formulating 101 ways to kill a witchy-wolf, a bigfoot and a small creature.

I huff defeatedly "Fine, let's go!"

"Fina-fucking-lly" Jason sighs, clambering off the car alongside his mate.

I hear Carlson shift a little in his seat, making enough space for me to fit in. once seated beside him, I fight to take my mind off the dominance and heat radiating off him and of course, his mind freezing scent, as we stepped out the vehicle.

He locked his car and together we all walked into the school. Impulsively, I shift extremely closer to Carlson as I notice the long stares and loud whispers coming from the thousands of students standing in the hallway.

I couldn't stop the obvious disgusted look that climbs up my face as I listen to their whispers and gauge in the lustful stares coming from them.

"Could you put on a smile? or rather just a blank face?" Jerome demands with a scowl.

My look deepens and unconsciously, my eyes fleets to my mate only to find him glaring icily at some girl who's staring dreamily at him.

I try to fight off an amused chuckle.

No wonder he's a virgin.

"I'm talking to the both of you" Jerome snaps.

"Who fucking gives a damn though?" I mutter at the same time Carlson goes..

"How's our facial expressions any of your fucking business?" Carlson snaps back and I nod contentedly as Jerome gasps at the use of yet another cuss word from Carlson.

It's almost comical, he looks like a disappointed mother.

"What he said" I add curtly.

Jerome sighs as Jason goes "Coach will be so happy to see you are finally back" now, that got Carlson's utmost attention.

"Yeah, he's been so worried about you and the guys totally misses you" Jerome perks up.

"why didn't you say this before?" Carlson asks them with a frown.

"Are you the captain or are the other members all gay? what sport is it anyway? Carlson, you never told me you did sports" I inquire curiously.

"You never asked and you talk too much" he points out flatly and I hit him in the rib as we rounded a corner only to be met with another set of students.. mostly nerds who all turned red as they sighted us... Specifically, me.

Yeah, yeah.. I have that effect on people.

"__the captain. why else is everyone excited that he's back.. he's the most hottest and mysterious guy on here.. after me of course" Jerome boasts. "I'm the easy going one, Jason is the smart ass who's hot as hell"

"And I'm an earthworm born of a woman.. who fucking asked?"

"Ish.. chill, Jolie" Jason speaks, I glare at him "He's so rude" he mutters afterwards and I roll my eyes.

We come to a stop before a door, seemingly the principals and Carlson surprisingly pushes the door open. he stands beside it and cocks his head to the side, gesturing for me to step in.

I stare at him in surprise at the gesture. he returns my stare with one of boredom.


With a sudden giddy feeling, I stepped into the office first and the others follow.

I successfully got my schedule, I attended classes, with my nemesis and mate of course, though reluctantly.
I obviously didn't introduce myself, and yes, I glared at everyone who looked my way, alongside Carlson.

I hated every single moment of it all.. this is my first time in a populated school, hell I've never attended highschool so you can imagine how clear the difference is and disturbingly so, thus, after the stupid bell rang, I grabbed my stupid bag and dragged Carlson out of the class.

With his help, I found the cafeteria and plumped on a nearby table a nerd was already occupying "Scram!" I bellow and instantly, he stumbles off his seat, shivering as he ran away.

I laugh softly as Carlson sits beside me with a disapproving grunt "that was so unnecessary"

"Who cares?" I answer as I began unpacking the lunch Sia had forcefully packed for I and Carlson.

Which I'm thankful for.. imagine eating from the cafeteria.

He rolls his eyes and I say "let's dig in"

He shakes his head, his nose buried in a book. he looks cute and all but we need to eat.
I huff and snatch it away from him, effectively getting him to seat up right and glare my way.

"What do you want? give it back?" he groans, irritated.

"No, eat with me first"

"I don't want to, I'm not hungry.. now give it back" he presses.

"No! I'm doing you a favor by going to this shit hole, so, you have to do whatever I say in return" I enunciate rather smugly.

He looks at me like I'm speaking hindu "I'm not going to be your puppet, ugly.. give. it. back"

"I'm going to smear ketchup on the pages" I threaten, bringing the ketchup close to his novel.

His eyes widen in shock and he gasps "No, not my baby.. fine, fine, I'd eat with you.. give it back"

"Good boy, now eat.. I'd give you after" I say with a smirk.

Defeated, he reluctantly picked up a fork and began eating.

His face instantly lits up in a look of pleasant surprise as the food touches his tongue and slides down his throat.

I smile fondly at him as he began eating, a few seconds later, I join him. ignoring the curious eyes drilling a whole in the side of my head.

A while into our food, I look up only to groan loudly at the approaching figure of Jerome, his little creature and a herd of excited looking males and females. each, with a tray of their own and a wide smile on their face.

I scoff, relaxing against my seat.. someone kill me right now.

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