59__ Clash of monstrosity

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                       (Special chapter)


There has been encounters in the supernatural world, where an Alpha's rut triggers his mate's heat. most especially omega mates. but there rarely is an encounter where the omegas alpha possesses twelve massive tentacles or where the Alpha's rut began right in the middle of a silent war, where there's an illusive gun pointed at everyone's head.

But Carlson Kairos begs to differ at the moment.

Carlson's rut did not only trigger Kardian's heat, but his wolf. with enough violence, Ace was able to push Kardian to the back of his head and font for them both. just like Cole did.

And now, wrapped around each other, are two wolves without a human counterpart ; Cole and Ace.

The door to Carlson's room flungs open, and after a short while, shuts back with enough force to separate it from it's hinges.

The sound of lips smacking against the other reverberates wildly in the thick walls of the room. the couple appears drunk, and oh so lost in themselves. with all rationality tossed out the window, the wolves consume themselves.

Ace's perfect legs are tightly wrapped around Cole's waist, hips grinding against his hungrily. neither of them have felt this way before, neither of them have experienced this glyph of raw hunger for someone before. they feel so stuffed and hot, so uncomfortable yet comfortable against each other. with the absence of their human counterpart, they are not afraid to scrutinize and explore this sudden wave of need and heat for each other.

As Ace's back hits the bed, he glances up at his gorgeous mate, eyes hooded and coated with need, a small whine escapes his throat as Cole creates a small space between them, he hovers above Ace, relaxing against the fist placed at the side of Ace's head, he observes him with a heated, impassive gaze.

"You look an absolute stunning wreck, petal" he plaudits, a haunting smirk on his daunting rosy lips.

Settling on his knees before Ace, he spreads his clothed thighs apart to situate himself properly in his middle. Ace let's out a whimper at the soft touch of Cole's fingertips against the sweet skin of his thighs.

He writhes beneath him, eyes begging for more.

He needs more. he needs Cole, in more than one unholy ways.

"P-please, oh, please Alpha!" Ace whines, eyes hooded with desperation and need as he tries to reach out to his rigid mate.

Dosen't he feel this insane rush? dosen't he want him too? why is he stopping? Ace is going mentally ill with this thoughts.

Cole silently observes his needy mate from a sitting position, telepathically nudging his desperate equivalents into action.

Ace flinches as one of Cole's tentacles shots seductively towards him, carressing his cheek down to his chin and up his neck seductively. he purrs at the action, biting back a small moan.

Three more finds there way towards his glistening skin. he moans in anticipation.

Kardian may be scared shitless and terrified of this tentacles, but Ace isn't. because as he observes the viciously reckless yet cautious tentacles, he couldn't help the wave of desire and arousal that shot down his spine to settle south and hard.

His breath comes out in pants as they tease and tickle him lovingly. he notices that they move with care, curiosity, and need.

Two more tentacles joins the first one in carressing Ace's body, they glide across his chest and face, slipping under his shirt to wrap themselves around his perky nipples unapologetically. the first tentacle appears to be the most romantic one since his carresses are more subtle and slow, the next three are more playful, ticklish and more seductive whilst the other two are rash, fast, and hungry, like thirsty twins, they move with the same fevor, making a moaning mess out of Kardian's body.

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