Chapter 3 Skeleton in the Closet

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I avoided Pierce all afternoon. I met up with Matteo later and explained to him that I remembered I had to hand in a psychology paper earlier and that's why I ran out at lunch. I hated lying to him; but that was the only class we didn't have together and I needed an excuse. Thankfully he accepted my story and was very understanding about it. Boy, that made me feel even worse. I was a two-timing liar and my boyfriend was a noble prince. I felt like crap. Oh well, it's just another day in the life.

I had to decide what to do after school. I could spend an hour and a half on the bleachers watching my boyfriend at football practice—or I could catch the long, dreary bus home and meet up with Matteo later. Either way, my goal was to avoid Pierce at all costs. Unfortunately, that choice was taken out of my hands at exactly three oh five.

"I could lend you some pom-poms. They have tons of spare ones in the gym," Jules said as she got ready for cheer practice. It wasn't the first time my heart clenched at the thought that I wasn't a cheerleader but I quickly put the feeling away.

"Thanks Jules, but I'm going home early," I told her. "Matteo wants to meet up later and it's too windy sitting on the bleachers."

"Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow!" Jules said, giving me a one-armed hug and sprinting off. I knew she also felt bad that she couldn't cheer with me. But, we had to get used to it. I didn't want her to feel guilty. And I needed to find a new hobby to keep me occupied. I had way too much free time on my hands and not enough homework. Ugh, I sounded like a nerd with no social life.

I was heading towards my locker to collect my bag and go when my phone buzzed. I saw that it was a message from Pierce and I gritted my teeth.

You're due for your appointment with me, babycakes. Hmph. I chose to ignore that. But another message popped up.

I don't take no for an answer. Don't make me drop a hint to Matteo. Crap! Was he freaking blackmailing me?! I paled in horror.

"No, no, no, he can't do that to me!" I started running while texting him back.

Don't you dare!!! Where the heck are you?! I asked. I raced through the hallways looking for him. I didn't see it coming, but when I had almost passed the janitor's closet on the ground floor, the door suddenly popped open and a hand shot out, grabbing me. I squealed as I got yanked into the closet and found myself face to face with Pierce.

"Keep it down. You don't want to attract attention," he said smoothly. I gaped at him, spluttering.

"P-Pierce! You terror—" he didn't let me finish because in the next moment, his lips crashed against mine and he grabbed my waist, firmly wrapping his arms around me. No! I wasn't going to let him do this! I pressed against his chest to push him back, determined to have my say.

"Dammit, Pierce! You're gonna give me an aneurysm at this rate!" I blazed in a high-pitched voice. He smiled lazily at me.

"Did you just swear? I don't think I've ever heard you swear." I ignored his comment.

"You can't just threaten me with something like that! You promised! I didn't think you would sink so low! I—"

"That was just to get you to come to me," Pierce drawled calmly. I stared at him wide eyed.

"You tricked me?!" I was past my boiling point and was shaking in anger. Pierce's eyes flitted up and down my figure. Despite my anger, my body flushed with the heat of his gaze.

"Shh, relax, I never meant to sell you out. I'm still crazy about you and doing that would mean losing you," he continued softly. Hearing him explain that so calmly only made me more infuriated. I didn't know what irritated me more—his obnoxiousness or his pride in his ability to get a rise out of me.

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