Chapter 8 Not Just a Kiss

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Yes, I'm serious, this is the song I listened to on repeat writing this chapter (almost named the title with this one) so it's the optional soundtrack for y'all.😄⤴

Matteo snuck me away from the party complete with a couple of punch glasses and some mini cheese skewers on a plate. He led me upstairs and I guessed he knew the place well since this was his cousin's house—he knew exactly where to go. He brought me to a large exquisitely decorated bedroom and plonked on the bed.

"Finally, some alone time," he said with a sigh of evident relief.

"I'm guessing you come here often," I said, joining him on the bed while we sipped our punch.

"I spent a lot of sleepovers here when I was younger, especially when my dad was out of town. Pierce's mom is great. Whenever I came over, she never wanted me to leave. She'd even make homemade burgers for me."

"That's really nice of her," I nodded while eating a skewer. Matteo smiled softly.

"Yeah. I owe Pierce a lot for those days. They were pretty lonely sitting at home with just Milford around the house. It was worse during the holidays." My heart ached for Matteo suddenly as I imagined a lonely young boy, sitting all by himself at home with no family.

"What are you doing for Thanksgiving?" I asked him suddenly, an idea turning over in my mind. Matteo shrugged.

"Er, nothing much, Dad's out of town and since it's on a Thursday, my mom's busy with work and won't be home."

"That's perfect because you're gonna be spending it with me," I said with a determined smile. I checked myself. Wait, that didn't come out right.

"Oh, I mean, I'm not happy your parents are out of town, I'm just hoping you'd like to spend Thanksgiving with me—if your folks are around you should totally spend it with them—" Matteo suddenly cut me off pressing his lips on mine, stopping my blabbering.

"Thank you, Thea," he said with his dazzling smile. I tilted my head to the side, enamored.

"You're welcome," I breathed, my heart fluttering from that little kiss. "So, you'll be spending it with me? I probably should warn you though—my relatives from out of town will be there and it will be anything but quiet."

"I love being around people. More importantly, I love being with you," he said, taking my empty punch glass and setting it aside before leaning into me for another kiss. All the bitterness from earlier today fled from me as I lost myself in his sweet, enveloping, affection-filled kiss.

"You know, I still didn't get my victory kiss..." He whispered. I smiled and kissed him back.

"You're getting it now," I whispered before I closed my eyes and let my instincts take over. The last time we did this heavy making out in a bed, Matteo had a cast between us, restricting us from going any further. But now...

"Oh!" I gasped as he gently leaned me back so that I lay flat on the bed. He lay beside me, hovering over me. My heart began to pound violently and my body heated up.

"Thea..." He resumed kissing me, his lips playing along my jawbone. He also seemed to realize the advantage of having both his hands and wrapped one around my body, the other he ran through my hair which spread out above me.

"Matteo, what if someone comes?" I asked, biting my lip. He caught it with his finger and thumb and pried it out of my teeth, stroking it with his thumb. I trembled at his seductive touch.

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