Chapter 9 Between a Rock and a Hard Place

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Crap! What will he ask of me? Matteo already looked acutely uncomfortable. Unfortunately, he had already caught the ball from one of the other guys so he couldn't get the chance to catch mine. I wished he had though... I gave Pierce a pleading look hoping he wouldn't take it too far.

"Are you a good kisser like Matteo makes you out to be? Let's find out," he drawled smugly. So much for not going too far. I gaped at him in utter shock.

"Pierce?!" I hissed. I can't believe he said that in front of everyone, especially Matteo! Matteo looked just as flabbergasted and turned hardened eyes to Pierce.

"Just a little peck on the cheek, babycakes. If you don't grant me my wish, you get a penalty. You gotta drink a whole can of beer," Pierce said smoothly, ignoring his cousin's glare. Beer, seriously?! We're underage! Pierce was being so impossible right now! It's like he knew I was stuck and had to comply. I squeezed my eyes. Mom would ground me if she knew I had alcohol! I had no choice. But to kiss him, even if only on the cheek, in front of everybody, especially Matteo...

"Thea?" Matteo called me, looking tense. I'm sorry, Matteo. I took a deep breath, turned away from him to Pierce, and walked slowly toward him where he was seated on a barstool. He gave me his lazy smile as I approached.

"Well? I'm waiting," He prompted me impertinently. Conscious and chagrined that every eye was on me, I leaned in slowly, hesitating. I smelled beer in his breath and wondered if he had drunk—maybe that's why he was calling unreasonable shots.

"Urgh... Can't leave it up to you, can I?" He asked me with an impatient groan. He suddenly grabbed my blouse in a bunch and yanked me closer. I stumbled and lost my balance gasping as I fell on him and my lips fell with a smack—right on his lips. Hollers erupted from the crowd as I pulled back, staring at him in horror. Matteo stepped forward and gave Pierce a hard left hook. I squealed as Pierce got knocked off the chair to the floor.

"You did that on purpose!" Matteo shouted. Everyone went dead silent. Pierce got up, dusting himself and feeling his jaw. His eyes were dark as thunder.

"I'm gonna let that one go because I won't fight you in front of Thea," he said in a low, ferocious voice. The two of them stood glaring at one another for a moment. Matteo turned away and grabbed my wrist.

"Come on, Thea. We're leaving," he said, dragging me out. I glanced back at Pierce anxiously, but he was rooted to the spot, his eyes fixed on me. But Matteo didn't stop until he'd gotten me to his car.

"Matteo, slow down!" I pleaded in the car later as Matteo raced along at a heart-stopping speed. He had bundled me into his car and drove off without a backward glance. He seemed to have forgotten about me sitting beside him since then and was on a trip of his own.

"Matteo!" I said loudly. He finally turned to me and slowed down.

"What is wrong with you? I think you're acting really immature!" I said sternly.

"Me?! Pierce is the one who kissed you! Dammit, Thea, you think I'm okay with that? I'm not gonna let this go!" He blazed. I gulped, my eyes heating up with tears.

"It was a mistake! He probably didn't mean—"

"Don't you dare defend him, Thea! I really can't take that!" He sounded so harsh that I shut my mouth and folded my arms. On one hand, he was right. Pierce did do that on purpose and I knew it. Matteo had every right to be mad. Any boyfriend would. On the other hand, I didn't think Matteo was the only one who could get mad here. He's the one who kissed some girl last year when he told me I was the only girl he ever had feelings for! Plus, he's the one who ditched me at the party twice and didn't even text me after the game!

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