Explaining 🙏

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Just an fyi the planets are around they're late 20s and early 30s (idk what specific age to give them so this is the closest I can say)

Mercury -
Human name: Thomas Brown
- Is roommates with Sun, they live in a gigantic house together (it's not really a mansion but it's still huge)
- Doesn't have any children nor siblings.
- Often gets picked on by Venus/Leo  at work
- The therapist who needs therapy (he's not an actual therapist but he acts like one)
- Short dude
- English/British person

Venus -
Human name: Leo Gallo
-Lives alone in a apartment
- Doesn't have any children but does often help take care of Phobos and Deimos for Mars/Ian.
- Denies the fact that he bullies Mercury/Thomas.
- Actually pretty chill guy when he isn't around any of his colleagues at work.
- Italian person with a bit of African heritage (More specifically Nigerian)

Earth -
Human name: Rowan Anderson
- Lives with Mars, Luna, Phobos and Deimos in a quite big house but not as big as Mercury's
- Luna is his child but he doesn't remember who the mother is (it's actually Theia)
- Is married to Mars for about a few years now(I'm sorry not sorry 😔)
- Pretty outgoing guy and enjoys playing strategy games.
- Wants a pet dog but Mars is afraid of them so he didn't get one.
- Half Native American (Navajo) & half Irish descent (Born in America tho because 🇺🇸🦅)

Mars -
Human name: Ian Rivera
- Lives with Earth, Luna, Phobos and Deimos (As I alr said with Earth)
- Father to Phobos & Deimos
- Married to Earth/Rowan
- Chill with everyone most of the time
- Doesn't like being alone that much
- Would literally punch someone if they make fun of Phobos or Deimos
- Literally knows every board game known to man
- Doesn't mind if needed to work extra hours (Doesn't necessarily mean he'll volunteer to do it tho)
- American guy with Hispanic descent (mostly from Puerto Rico)

Human name: Lukas Schmidt
- Has two jobs
- Runs an orphanage with Saturn (That's where all the their moons live)
- Is a father to SOME of his moons but not all
- Quite easygoing and calm guy who loves to drop a random fact to everyone once in a while
- Married and lives with Saturn 🪐 (why the hell does Saturn have an emoji but the others don't)
- Has a literal library in his house
- Has a bit of Favouritism when it comes to his A team but isn't doing it on purpose
- Likes taking care of plants
- Quite overprotective of his friends
- American with German descent (More America mentioned 🦅🇺🇸)

Saturn 🪐
Human name: Cameron Taylor
- Lives with Jupiter and their moons
- Also has two jobs but doesn't do much for his second job
- Kind hearted and hates it when he makes someone even just a little bit disappointed
- Often is the "comforter" for other planets when their stressed
- Quite sensitive most of the time but tries to make sure it doesn't bother others
- Has beautiful long hair 💇🏼‍♀️
- Absolutely adores his moons (mostly Titan but ye)
- Scottish person

Human name: Oliver Carter
- Lives with his moons
- outside of his office job he's also a writer and artist
- Is a little jealous of Saturn
- Cousins with Neptune
- Hates getting teased by about his name (And smell) and is only okay when Neptune does it
- Has an entire room in his house just for drawing and other art projects
- Is very much self conscious about his name and smell
- Enjoys going ice skating with some of his moons
- Quite lonely but not that lonely (That makes sense right?)
- Australian (obviously) with English descent

Human name: Felix Carter
- Lives by himself and is always on the move
- A little insane
- His moons live together with Triton however they rarely see Triton as well
- Despite being a little crazy he's quite kind and has comforted a few (This is referencing in the Pluto arc)
- Has a good relationship with Uranus
- The type to take one for the team
- Is happy most of the time and is even happier when others are happy too
- Remembers everything that's really important to him (such as his family)
- British/English person

700 words. DANG Anyways the next will be about the moons + dwarf planets then after that it will actually start

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