Sun and Mercury

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[I do NOT ship these two, but this can be interpreted as a ship if you'd like]

[Also I forgot to mention that sun's human name is Castor Allard]

(I changed my mind on making this chapter sad btw)

Sun was peacefully writing down some notes for paperwork he had when he suddenly heard some noise coming from the kitchen.

He stepped out of his office and walked towards the kitchen to find out what the sound was.

When he finally arrived at the kitchen, he saw Mercury on the floor with some plates next to him.

"What happened, Tom?" Sun asked as he lended his hand to Mercury.

"Castor! I'm so sorry! I was trying to clear the dishes and then I accidentally tripped and fell-" Mercury muttered embarrassingly.

Sun just giggled then helped Mercury pick up the plates from the ground.

"Anyways, I would like to talk to you about something!" Sun added as he leaned on the kitchen counter.

Mercury raised an eyebrow. " Yea sure, what's up?"

"So, recently I've seen that you and the other guys in the 'rocky' gang  haven't been bonding or really getting along that well."

"Oh. Yea I guess the four of us were kinda drifting apart, what about it tho?"

"Well, I decided that the four of you will be doing a sleepover!"

Mercury froze and almost dropped a cup that he was holding.

"Uhm what? Castor I know you have a lot of crazy- I mean, interesting ideas but a sleepover? How are you even gonna get them to go? Leo would never go to a sleepover, especially one where I'm there." Mercury remarked.

Sun thought for a second then smirked.

"Then I'll just threaten to fire you guys!" Sun stated innocently.


"NO BUTS! The only butts here will be yours, Leo's, Ian's and Rowan's tomorrow night!"

"What about you then?" Mercury asked. "Aren't you gonna be here with us?"

"Well, don't Ian and Rowan have kids? Who do you think is gonna offer to babysit them?"

"Last time I visited them, their kids were a lot older now, I don't think they would need babysitting anymore-"


Mercury was silent but he just gave in anyway.

"Tomorrow night it is! I'll tell the others." Mercury said before leaving the kitchen.

Sun just smiled as he saw Mercury leave.


400 words. Sorry for the short chapter btw, I've been busy with some things. Thx for all the support 🌹 I appreciate it!

Also yes I'm gonna be writing the rocky planets having a sleepover, I've been fixating about it for some time now lmao, but I'll probably do it after the chapter for the gas giants(?) idk, you can't really confirm anything when it comes to me 😞

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