Baseball practice

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[This Chapter contains a little bit of Mars x Earth]

Luna was searching around his room for cap while Earth was calling for him from outside

"Luan! Breakfast is ready! What's taking you so long?" Earth, Luna's dad yelled from outside his room a little bit of an annoyed tone.

"Coming dad! I just need to find my- THERE IT IS! FINALLY!" The young boy replied he as found his cap.

Luna/Luan came out of his room with his school uniform on with his cap on his head and his bag on his back.

Luna/Luan went to the dining table to eat the food his father made. He could see three other people at the table as well. Mars/Ian, who was his stepdad and his stepbrothers, Phobos/Ethan and Deimos/Elijah. Mars seemed to be looking at his phone more than he was eating while the the twins were quite the opposite.

Luna/Luan sat down next to Deimos/Elijah then took a plate of waffles from the middle of the table.

"Luna! You're finally done! Took you long enough." Deimos/Elijah said as he poured more syrup on his pancakes.

"Yeah, Yeah. Don't pour too much syrup or else you'll get sick Elijah." Luna responded. "Anyways, dads, which one of y'all are coming to get me after practice?" Luna asked while looking at the Mars.

Mars smiled as he took a quick sip of his drink. " That'll be me, your dad has to help Lukas (Jupiter) around the office during that time so he's unable to attend it." Mars explained to Luna.

"Alright, Papa! Speaking of dad (Earth), where is he? He was here just now. I'm gonna be late for school!" Luna questioned his father's absence.

"I'm here! No worries, I ain't going anywhere my dears." Earth said in somewhat a suspicious tone and due to that, Mars could clearly realise something was up.

"Rowan.. What'd you do this time?" Mars interrogated his husband. As he spoke he also examined Earth's clothing to see if something was different from usual. He noticed that earth's hand was behind his back so he was clearly holding something.

"Whatcha ya got there, hon?" Mars asked as he pointed behind earth's back.

Earth blushed as Mars pointed that out. " Well since you realised it already, I got some flowers for you, my love" Earth said as he showed a not very well done bouquet of flowers. "I made it myself! Do you like it?" Earth asked with a smile.

Mars chuckled after seeing the bouquet, Earth knew that Mars liked handmade gifts rather than store bought ones, and every gift Earth made for him was just perfect, well perfect enough for Mars at least.

Phobos/Ethan saw the flowers and was quite disgusted. "EWW! Dad and Papa are always so romantic with eachother." Phobos commented. Luna and Deimos just laughed.

Mars chuckled some more then turned back to Earth. "It's beautiful, Rowan. What's the occasion this time?" Mars asked as Earth handed him the flowers.

"Just a thank you gift for taking Luan to his game today, I don't know what I would do without you." Earth explained to his husband.

While Earth and Mars were busy flirting with eachother, Luna checked his watch to see that he only had a few minutes left before he would be late for school.

"Shi- DAD, WE GOTTA GO QUICK I'M GONNA BE LATE!" Luna uttered while quickly grabbing his bag.

Earth noticed the time as well and rushed to get his car keys. " You're right! We'll see you three later, come on Luan, let's go!" Earth said while waving to his family before he and Luna rushed to the car.

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