Lonely apartment (Venus angst)

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(I'm TERRIBLE at writing about angst so this might turn out really bad tbh😭)

Venus was cleaning up in the office since it was his turn to do it while everyone else were on their way to leave.

Earth was looking for some note that he must've dropped earlier that evening. Mars had already left at this time so he could take care of the kids.

"Ugh, where is it? It has to be around here somewhere! Hey, Leo (Venus)! A little help here?" Earth complained.

"I'm in the middle of sweeping the floor, Rowan. How'd you even lose it anyway?" Venus stated as he continued to sweep but a little bit more aggressively this time.

"I DON'T KNOW! And I can't be late home again! Ian made steak for dinner! If I get back home late the kids would eat all of it up!" Earth whined like a child.

"Oh come on, they're like the size of little puppies, and knowing Ian, he probably made plenty of steak, you sure they would be able to gobble all that up?" Venus responded and stopped sweeping for a second to see at Earth's reaction.

"You wouldn't know, Leo! You don't got kids, they eat like kings!" Earth joked.

Venus saddened a little but brushed it off after a few seconds.

"If you say so."

Venus continued to sweep while Earth searched for the note.

After a while he finally found it.

"FINALLY! THANK GOD. Whew! That took longer than expected." Earth uttered.

His phone started ringing right after that so Earth went to the other side of the room to answer it.

Venus kept on sweeping while staring out the window.

"IAN GOT HIT BY A BASEBALL??" Earth randomly shouted. "I'LL BE THERE ASAP!"

Earth rushed out the office with his things in hand leaving Venus alone.

Venus sighed as he put the broom down. He then sat down at his desk and opened a drawer. There were a lot of things in that drawer, pens, books, pins and pictures. He took out one picture in particular and held it with both hands.

In the picture was a beautiful young woman with long hair wearing a white dress. Next to her was a younger girl. The girl looked around elementary school age.

Venus stared at the picture for some time, analyzing every little detail.

"Neith.. I miss you baby." Venus pleaded while looking at the young child.

A tear went down his face as he started hugging the picture.

"If only I was able to save you." Venus sobbed a little.

"If only I could still be your mother."

Venus sat there quietly for a while, then he wiped his tears and changed his expression so he could act like he wasn't just crying.


465 words - I'M SO SORRY THAT IT'S SO SHORT IDK HOW TO WRITE ANGSTTT ::: I promise I'll do a longer one soon 😭 Next will probably be Uranus and his moons? Idk

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