'. the deal .'

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+. Husk 's POV .+

Its a normal day.
I woke up again at 5 am so that i could
get ready , i first took a shower- then
putted on my fancy jacket, my gold
ribbon and everything else.

" Goodmorning, mr. Husk . "
One of the employee said, walking
inside my office.

" Goodmorning. Ya need anything ? "
I asked her.

" Mhm. One of the overlord you know
wanted to meet you today . "

" Which one ? " I asked.
" Valentino, you know, the moth overlord. " She said.

" Oh yeah, right. . ." I said , i didnt want to see Val but i had no choice.

" I said , i didnt want to see Val but i had no choice

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- at 3 pm -

" Sir, the overlord Valentino is here. "
The employee says once more.

I stare at Valentino walking inside the casino with Vox and Velvette.
But there was another one next to Valentino- a tall , white fur . . . spider ? She had a mix of pink and light pink shirt and had black short-pants and black boots.
She looked scared.

" Oh, Husker , my dear friend ! "
Valentino says walking over me , Vox and Vel following him.

" Valentino. " I say.
" Always so grumpy , arent ya ? "
Val says while chuckling.

" Anyways, i got here to make a deal with you ~ " Val once more said.

" Like ? " - " Well, we will play the 21 game ( poker game ) and if I win, i 'll get 50% of this casino and i will own YOUR soul. But if you win, my dear Husk. . . you 'll take Angel dust 's soul. " Val says.

" Uh. . . who 's Angel dust? " I ask, Val breaks down in laughs.
" Angel dust, the famous p0rnstar ! He makes many money. " Val says.

-my love for you- '. HuskerDust .' - overlord husk AU !Where stories live. Discover now