'. broken .'

91 4 8

" we 're having a little guest    today

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" we 're having a little guest
   today . "
Angel dust says to Fat Nuggets .
After 3 hours Husk finally got
kinda sober, —
" wha— where am i ? "
He asks, " you're in my room,
                   you got drunk. "
Angel dust replies .

This all begun till they both
heard a crash coming from
the casino , a very pink gas /
smoke going through the st—
airs , Angel reconogized it fast .
Who else could it be beside Val ?

It was the Vox and Vel breaking
the walls , tables and everything
else while Val was searching for
Angel .
" Angel , baby ! "
Val says, " How may you left me
                   all alone ? "
" He doesn't want to be with you . "
Husk says .
" Mr. Husk , i 'll take care of it  . . .
   i. . . i 'll go talk to Val , 'kay ? "
Angel dust says, holding Husk's
hands as he nods.

— idk in a random room —

" Val , listen here. . . Husk now owns
   my soul and you're the one who
   decided to play that game for the
   deal, you can't do anything about it!"
Angel dust says against Val .
" You dare talk to me like that ? do
   you even know how many money
   im losing because you're not film-
   ing p---- anymore ! I swear if you
   don't get back , i 'll kill that mother
   fucker and later you too . "
Valentino says, using almost his
full power .
" Do whatever you want to me,
   but don't you even dare to
   hurt Husk ! "
Angel dust says, grabbing Val by the
coat ? ? wings ? ? ( idk how to call
them ) .
Without a warning, Val kissed
Angel dust, leaving his saliva
scroll down his throat .
( if u dont know : Val 's saliva makes
  Angel dust dizzy / tired , even his
  smoke . )
Angel dust began feeling tired
and dizzy , not being able to
see straight as he fell down on
Valentino .
Vox and Vel distracted Husk till
they saw Val running out with
Angel dust , Husk noticing too .
" Hey— hey ! "
Husk yelled before the Vees escaped .
" Shit ! Fuck ! "
Husk yells , Lala and Luke running to
the broken casino .
" Sir, what happened ?! "
" It takes too long to explain, i gotta go ! "
Husk says before flying with his
wings to the Vees building .

" Where am. . . i ? "
Angel dust asks, finally waking up .
" Angel cakes ! You're awake ,
  my dear . "
Valentino says, Angel dust finally
realising he was in his old dressing
room .
" Valentino . Why the fuck did you
   take me here again ! "
Angel dust says.
" I already told you , i missed you ,
   baby ~ "
He replies .
" Plus, isn't here better instead of
   staying at that old casino ?
   Or have you gotten a crush on
   that old mad  ?  "
Valentino asks .
" It ain't any better, i know he's
   searching for me . "
Angel dust replies , they all heard
a window breaking , it was Husk ,
aiming a gun ( ? ? ) to Val .
" Oh here's the prince , saving the
   princess from the dragonnn "
Valentino says , annoyed .
" This ain't gonna solve anything,
   Husk , lets remake the deal or
   i 'll kill him ( Angel dust ) with
   this . "
Valentino pulls out an Angel spear :
how and where did he get that ?
We mustn't know .
" Don't you fucking dare . I 'll not
   make you own his soul ever
   again ! "
Husk says before Angel dust gets
stabbed deeply by the Angel spear ,
but not enough to kill him .
Husk 's eyes widened as he saw
Angel dust choking on his own
blood .
" I warned you . "
Valentino says .
" He 's a lucky bitch that the cut
   wasn't enough to kill him . "
Valentino says before seeing
Husk crying .
" Woa, what the fuck ? Pfft .
   Ya really crying over this ? "
" Shut the fuck up ! "
Husk yells , shotting Val for good .
Valentino dropped Angel dust that
was catched by Husk .
" No ! Nonono ! Valentino ! "
Vox yelled as he saw everything
through the cameras , Vel didn't
care much since she still was on
her phon— .

Husk grabbed Angel dust, picking
up the Angel spear and giving
Valentino one last glare before
flying away to the casino again .
" Come on. . . "
Husk says, the employees opening
the doors for him as he got to his
room .
He got a medic kit and starts healing
Angel dust 's wound then sewing it .

" Come on, please wake up . . . "

( ik theres the need of an angel 's
  blood after getting cutted by an
angel 's spear but SHHH )

— to be continued —

- Im fcking crying this was
  so cringe 😭
  anyways i hope yall liked it .

714 words .

btw staticradio drawing i did !

btw staticradio drawing i did !

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I love this ship sm

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I love this ship sm .   ( i forgot to give
Alastor the monocle on the second
photo 💔 )

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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