'. drunk .'

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- The next morning

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- The next morning. -

The still red sky was shining,
making it perfect for segnaling
the morning .
Angel dust woke up at 7 am, still
needing to get used to the new
place he needs to stay .

He didn't get ready any fast since
he needed to work at 10 am, just
like Husk said .
Angel dust took it slow, taking a
shower, combing his fur / hair ,
getting dressed and everything
else .

- at 9.50 -

" bye bye, Nugs, see ya later ! "
Angel dust says to his pet pig ,
waving at him before leaving
the room to go to the casino .

" good morning, Angel ! "
both Lala and Luke ( if u forgot ,
they 're the twin workers in the
casino ) said .
" morning guys ! "
He greets them back , seeing
alot of demons already in the
casino .
" by the way, Mr. Husk wants
u in his office . "
Luke says . - " why ? "
" i dunno . "

- in the office -

Angel dust walks in the office,
it had white walls with many
gold-like decorations .
And then there was Husk,sit-
ting behind the desk .
" good morning , Mr. Husk . "
" morning , how 'da sleep ?
Yesterday's night ya looked
really tired . "
Husk asked .
" i slept good , is that why ya
called me here ? "
Angel dust asks .
" No, its for another thing-"
Husk says, sighing as he gets up .
" - it about Vox , he 's been
sending messages about that
Val. is going crazy and hitting
him 'cause he wants you back . "
He says .
" today me and him got a meeting,
so can ya be there for us to know
where you want to be ? "
Husk asks Angel dust
" well. . . yea, but what about the
costumers ? "
" Lala , Luke and the other will
care about them . "
Husk says .
" Uh. . . okay then "
Angel dust replies, before leav-
ing .
" Bye, Mr. Husk ! "

- at 7 pm -

" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaangel ! "
Lala says .
" Hu ? Ye ? "
Angel dust asks .
" the meeting ! "
" oh right- thank ya for remin-
ding me ! "
Angel dust says before going to
a table that is in the corner of
the casino : the same one where
Valentino lost .
" im here, Mr. Husk . "
Angel dust says .
Husk nods as Vox doesn't say
anything , just stares at Angel .
" so, Vox, you're here to get Angel
back, aren't ya ? Well, you better
get us good reasons for it . "
Husk says , Vox looks at him in
an annoyance look .
" well, Val is literally mad and if
I don't bring that whore back
then he 'll end up breaking in
and shooting him . "
Vox says , Husk in confusion .
" why the hell he would need him
back if he 's gonna kil- "
" DON'T ASK . - "
Vox yells .

· anyways after all the blah blah
Vox couldn't get Angel back so
blah blah LETS SKIP ·

- at 10 pm -

every costumer was gone home,
the casino was now empty and
Luke , Lala , Angel and the other
employees were cleaning the
casino .
" okay , we finished ! Bye bye ! "
They all say bye to eachother
before goin in their rooms .
" Mr. Husk ? Are ya good ? "
Angel dust asks, seeing Husk
in a drunk state ( he was drun- )
" Mmm. . . iiim perfectly fiineee. . . "
Husk says, before his heads slams
on the counter .
" . . . you 're definitely not fine . "
Angel dust says as he picks up Husk
and brings him to his room .
Fat Nuggets oinking happily as he
saw Angel dust back in the room
as Angel putted Husk on the bed .
" well, good evening , Nugs ! "
He says .
" we 're having a little guest today . "
Angel dust says to Fat Nuggets .

to be continued .

sorry if this was short +
that i didnt post in long time. . .
im having troubles w school
and no ideas so. . .

600 words .

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