Part 3 hoes - store

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you grab your keys and leave your ugly smelly house. when you get into the car, you have to tell him "sit in the back seat. if you stay in the front, i will crash." tuv (😡) says "but i wanna sit in the front 🥺 its fun 🥺" 

y/n: "no. i want to LIVE. and you sitting next to me just isn't going to be a good idea."

t: "this is why you get no hoes."

y/n: "IDC, you are not sitting in the front."

tuv throws the biggest tantrum ever known to man. you have NO choice but to let him sit in the front. 

y/n: "fine... JUST THIS ONE TIME !!"

t: "yippieeee !!!"

you drive to the store with tuv's ANNOYING TERRIBLE singing (he is singing the wheels on the bus like a pre-k kid)

y/n: " please shut the fuck up 😊"

t: "why ?? what did i ever do to you ?!"

y/n: "you're about to make me do something BAD. STOP SINGING."

t: "la la laaaaa 🥺"

y/n: " listen pal if you don't shut up-"


you punch him in the face and he shuts up 😊

when you  get to the store he sadly looks very happy to be there. everything he sees he puts it into the cart. 

tuv says  " Look at these licorice !!"  and put it into the cart. "ʷᵉ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ⁿᵉᵉᵈ ᵗʰᵃᵗ..." you say. he doesn't listen and continues to put things into the cart. when you get to the cashier, you see the final total is $136.65. you look to your left and see tuv looking at you, expecting you to pay ALLAT. "i hope you know i am  for sure NOT paying for all of this." tuv looks very sad but obviously faking it. "but i thought you were ?? 🥺". you can't believe the AUDACITY.  you end up  splitting it.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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