Wanna go Time Travelin'?

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DoD: *Appears* 

Sunny: "What now?"

Glory: "Your dares are stupid."

Clay: "Hey."

Ember: *Is sobbing*

Sunny: "Are you OK?"

Ember: "NO! AZURE LEFT ME!" *Crying*

DoD: "??"

Amber: "Azure left him to be with Qibli. Don't ask what happened to Moon."

Rainstar: *Rolls eyes* "Pathetic."

Frostburn: "Today, you can mess with baby DoD."

Starflight: "But according to the scroll I read yesterday-"

DoD: *Teleports to the past*

Baby Sunny: *Shrieks and jumps into Clay's arms*

Baby Clay: "Who- who are you?"

Gory: "We're from the future."

Babies: "....."

Baby Tsunami: "When am I the queen?"

Baby Sunny: "Do we really fulfill the prophecy?"

Baby Clay: "Are my friends safe?"

Baby Starflight: "When will I get my powers and isn't time traveling impossible?"

Baby Glory: "Will my friends be less annoying?"

Tsunami: "..... Er, no. Turns out you'll have 2 younger sisters. But your mom is still the queen."

Baby Tsunami: "NOOOOO"

Glory: "And you're dating with Web's son."

Baby Tsunami: "EWWWWW!"

Sunny: "You fulfill the prophecy and save the world and your mom is the queen of SandWings!"

Baby Sunny: "YAYAYAY!!!!!"

Starflight: "And your dad is a animus NightWing, but you aren't."

Baby Sunny: "Aw, man."

Clay: "Your friends are super safe!"

Baby Clay: "Yipee!"

Tsunami: "Also, your mom sold you for 2 cows, but you have loving sibs."

Baby Clay: *Heartbroken*

Starflight: "I'm scientifically sure that time traveling isn't possible, according to the-"

Baby Starflight: "NightWing's Guide to Time Traveling."

Sunny: "Unfortunately the NightWings lied about their powers and only 2 NightWings have powers as far as we know."

Baby Starflight: "B-b-b-b-but."

Glory: "Your friends are annoying as ever, but you're the queen of RainWings and NightWings and RainWings can spit venom from their fangs."

Baby Glory: "Awesome. And Tsunami isn't a queen?"

Clay: "Yeah."


Baby Tsunami: *Growls*

Tsunami: "Also you and a NightWing which Glory thinks is hot have a crush on you."

Baby Glory: "Yuck."

Glory: "Tsunami. Shut up."

Rainstar: *Appears* "Hi, I'm from the future."

Baby Glory: *Inspects her* "You look like me."

Amber: "Well, duh. She's your daughter."

Baby Glory: *Frowns* "Is it the "hot" NightWIng?"


Baby Clay: "And you are?"

Amber: "Congratulations. You are being rescued."

Baby DoD: "What?"

Ember: "She's addicted to Mandalorian and Star Wars, which is nonsense. Harry Potter is much better."

Baby Clay: "What's that?"

Ember/Amber: *Gasps*

Baby Tsunami: "Some kind of.... fish?"

Ember/Amber: *Gasps louder*

Baby Sunny: "I thought it was a kind of a mountain or a place."

Ember/Amber: *Gaps so forcefully falls over*

Baby Glory: *Eye roll* "You guys are so pathetic. Mandalorian, Star Wars and Harry Potter are just some-"

Baby Glory/Glory: "Stupid series."

Ember/Amber: *Faints*

Baby Starflight: "How did you know that? Even I didn't."

Glory/Baby Glory: *Shares amused looks*

Baby Glory: "A girl's gotta have her secrets."

Rainstar: *Phone rings* *Checks everywhere in the cave*

DoD and Baby DOD: "*Stares at her*

Rainstar: *Answers phone* "Wazzup, bro? *Pause* Stop being so nosy. A girl's gotta have her secrets. *Pause* I don't care if you don't care. Adios."

All: "......"

Rainstar: "Oh, and time's up. Say your goodbyes while I fix the Sky/Mud hybrid twins. Oh, and P.S, they're Peril, Kestrel's daughter and your kids, Baby Clay."

Baby Clay: *Tries not to look disgusted while Clay answers what is the yummiest food*

Baby Glory: "Guess I'll see ya later."

Glory: "Melt SkyWing's queen face soon."

Baby Glory: "Wha- actually, Imma not ask."

Glory: "Smart kid. Also, Kestrel and Dune dies soon. Yeah, you'll want them dead. Kestrel's gonna try to kill you."

Baby Glory: "Cuz I'm a RainWings?"

Glory: "Yeah."

Baby Glory: "Dang it." 

Starflight: "I know what you're thinking, but she won't."

Baby Starflight: *Sighs tragically*

Starflight: "But don't worry, a really nice and outgoing NightWing will come soon."

Sunny: "Tell your mom future me said hi!"

Baby Sunny: "But I don't know who she is!"

Sunny: "You'll see. Also, our mom has a boyfriend who is Burn's brother."

Baby Suny: "What."

Tsunami: "Good luck. You'll need it."

Baby Tsunami: "Why?"

Tsunami: *Whispers* "Cuz Glory is gonna be so awesome and you are gonna need to around her range of coolness."

Baby Glory/Glory: *Un-camouflages* *Sticks tongue out in unison*

Tsunami: "WHAT? Why you little-"

DoD: *Teleports away with Amber/Ember/Rainstar*

Baby DoD: "......"

Past Kestrel: *Storms inside* "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?!"

Baby Glory: *Sly grin* "You will die soon, and so will Dune."

Past Dune: "What?"

Past Kestrel: "WHY YOU-"

Past Webs: "Kestrel. They're young."

Past guardians: *Leaves*

Baby Glory: *Sticks tongue out* 

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