Nicknames 4 JW

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Eurasia: *Appears with smoke and fog (again)*

Winter: "Enough with the dramatic entrance." *Groans*

Qibli: *Chuckles* "You can never have too much of good things."

Eurasia: "Well said, Qibli. So since ya'll are just lazin' 'round, lemme give ya nicknames.""

Turtle: "Who dared you?"

Eurasia: "No one. I just wanted to do it."

Winter: "Ugh."

Eurasia: "You first, Winter!"

Winter: "Noo."

Eurasia: "Hmm, how 'bout Winty?" *Giggles*

Winter: "NO NO 100% NO!"

Qibli: "It's fine, WINTY!" *Laughs*

Eurasia: "KInkajou, your nickname is... Kink?"

Kinkajou: "Yay! Call me Kink for short!"

Eurasia: "Um, Moony for Moon?" *Giggles*

Moon: "No."

QIbli: "What about me?"

Eurasia: "What about Qib? That's the only one I can think of."

Qibli: "OK, i guess. Wait! I got one for Peril!"

Peril: "What?"

Eurasia: "I'm supposed to do it, ya know?"

Qibli: "Peri or Eril!"

Peril: "I'm gonna stick with my own name thank you very mu-"

Clay: "I think I like Peri. It sounds nice."

Peril: "Yea- yeah, I like that one too." *Blushes*

Clay: *Goes to the prey center*

Turtle: "You got one for me, Qib?"

Eurasia: "Hello? I'm the one that gives you nickname."

Qibli: "Turi?"

Turtle: "OK, it's not that bad."

Eurasia: -_-

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