Chapter 6: A Hero In The Aftermath! (Short Chapter)

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As the chaos of the attack at the USJ subsided, Class 1-A found themselves regrouping and assessing the aftermath of the intense battle.

Izuku lay on the ground, exhausted but exhilarated from the adrenaline rush of the fight. His friends, including Gwen, Kirishima, and Shoji, surrounded him.

Gwen: "Izuku, are you alright? That was incredible, but you took quite a beating."

Izuku managed a weak smile, his chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath.

Izuku: "I'm... I'm okay. Just a bit tired..."

Kirishima: "Man, you were amazing out there! Taking on that Nomu like it was nothing!"

Shoji: "Indeed, your quick thinking and courage saved us all."

Izuku's cheeks flushed at his friends' praise. Despite the exhaustion weighing heavily on him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment knowing that he had protected his classmates from certain death.

Nezu watched from afar. He did have suspicions about the possibility of a spy among the students. However, as he watched Izuku lying on the ground, exhausted yet triumphant, any lingering doubts disappeared from his mind.

The courage and selflessness displayed by Izuku during the attack at the USJ spoke volumes to Nezu. No villainous spy would willingly put their life on the line to protect others, let alone face off against a formidable foe like the Nomu.

Nezu's trust in Izuku's integrity solidified in that moment, replaced by a deep respect for the young hero-in-training. It was clear to Nezu that Izuku was not just a student; he was a true hero in the making, willing to sacrifice everything to ensure the safety of his classmates and uphold the values of heroism.

With a nod of satisfaction, Nezu turned his attention to coordinating the cleanup and ensuring the well-being of the students. He knew that Class 1-A had emerged from the ordeal stronger and more united than ever before, with Izuku Midoriya shining brightly as a beacon of hope and inspiration for them all.

{At A Certain Bar}

After their harrowing retreat from the USJ, Shigaraki and Kurogiri found themselves back in their dimly lit base of operations, a dilapidated old bar tucked away in a forgotten corner of the city. Shigaraki's frustration and rage were palpable as he paced back and forth, his hands twitching uncontrollably.

Shigaraki: "Damn it! Damn it all! That blasted Nomu... How could it have been defeated so easily?"

Kurogiri, ever the composed and level-headed counterpart, attempted to calm Shigaraki with his soothing yet authoritative voice.

Kurogiri: "Master Tomura, please try to calm yourself. We may have suffered a setback, but we still have other avenues to pursue."

But Shigaraki's temper flared, his resentment boiling over as he vented his frustrations.

Shigaraki: "I don't want to hear it, Kurogiri! That nobody, that insignificant little worm, managed to best our prized creation! It's unacceptable!"

As the Shigaraki burned with rage, the monitor in the room suddenly flickered to life.

Voice: "Tomura, Kurogiri. I trust you are both well?"

Shigaraki: "Sensei..."

Sensei: "I have been informed of the recent events at the USJ. It appears that our plans have encountered an unexpected obstacle."

Shigaraki seethed with frustration, his hands clenching into tight fists at his sides.

Shigaraki: "That blasted hero, that green-haired brat... He dared to defy us! He dared to stand against our might!"

Sensei: "Calm yourself, Tomura. Such setbacks are to be expected in our line of work. It is imperative that we remain focused and adapt to the changing circumstances."

Shigaraki gritted his teeth, his anger simmering beneath the surface as he struggled to contain his emotions.

Shigaraki: "But Sensei, that Nomu was our trump card! How could it have failed us so miserably?"

Sensei: "The Nomu was merely a tool, Tomura. There are other means at our disposal. We must continue to recruit and strengthen our forces."

With that, the transmission abruptly ended, leaving Shigaraki and Kurogiri to ponder their next move.

{A Few Days Later}

A few days after the chaotic events at the USJ, Class 1-A found themselves back in their classroom at UA High School, still reeling from the intensity of the battle. Despite the lingering tension in the air, there was a sense of determination among the students as they prepared to move forward.

Aizawa, their homeroom teacher, stood before them, his usual stern expression softened slightly by the bandages that wrapped around his injuries from the recent encounter with the villains.

Aizawa: "Alright, listen up, everyone. I know things have been a bit hectic lately, but we need to focus on the future."

His voice was calm but firm, commanding the attention of his students as he addressed them.

Aizawa: "In two weeks, UA will be hosting its annual Sports Festival. This event is not only a chance for you to showcase your skills and abilities, but it's also an opportunity for you to catch the attention of pro heroes and potential sponsors."

The mention of the Sports Festival sparked a flicker of excitement in the eyes of the students, despite the recent ordeal they had faced.

Aizawa: "Now, I know some of you may still be recovering from injuries sustained during the attack at the USJ. That's why we're giving you two weeks to train and prepare yourselves for the competition."

He paused for a moment, his gaze sweeping over the room, taking in the determined expressions of his students.

Aizawa: "I expect each of you to give it your all during the Sports Festival. This is your chance to prove yourselves as heroes-in-training, so don't hold back."

With those final words, Aizawa stepped back, allowing the gravity of his message to sink in. The students exchanged determined looks, ready to rise to the challenge and show the world what they were capable of.

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