the heartbreaking confession

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"Taylor, I have something to confess," Travis spoke silently.

He looked over at the woman lying beside him, his hands trembling with each second that passed. Taylor turned around, pulling away from the comfortable position so she could face him as he spoke. Travis took a deep breath before he said something that could break his relationship.

"I have a three year old daughter from my last relationship and she's been dying to meet you."

"And you decide to tell me this after thirteen months of us dating? How many times have I said that taking care of kids is something I can't do right now? I'm not ready to step up and be the person you need me to be. I think it's time for me to go," Taylor said, with a hint of anger and sympathy.

Before the man could say anything, Taylor picked up her handbag and fled the house. Travis sat up against the headboard, his hands trembling more as her words replayed over and over again. He never meant to push this on her, he never meant to force her to act like a parent, he just didn't want to leave her in the dark. His head started to spin as he realized that he had lost the one person he truly loved after his ex. He ruined everything they had carefully and slowly built together step by step.

"Dada!" a small brunette said, running into the room. He smiled through his tears and picked up the small girl running towards him.

"Hi, baby, did you have fun with Uncle Patrick?" he asked. As his daughter spoke excitedly, Travis could only smile and nod as his head was clouded by what Taylor said.

"Daddy! Listen!" the girl cried, shaking her father. He apologized and tried to focus and give the girl his full attention instead of crying over Taylor.

"I'm hungry," the small girl said, pulling at her dad's shirt.

"Let's get something in that belly of yours then," Travis said, playfully, tickling her stomach.

He carried her to the kitchen so she could pick what she wanted to eat for dinner, and like usual, she picked dino nuggets. Travis didn't mind as it was easy for him to make, he just had to throw them in the air fryer for a couple minutes. While opening the fridge, he saw that familiar blue box, the one with cinnamon rolls, making the heavy feeling return to his chest.

"I'm here!" Travis announced, walking into Taylor's apartment. He kicked off his shoes and hung his jacket on the coat hanger right next to Taylor's red jacket before walking into the house.

"Hi, baby." Taylor walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck as they both shared a passionate kiss.

"I'm really craving some cinnamon rolls," Travis whispered against Taylor's lips.

"Well I might just have the exact ingredients," Taylor responded with the flirty tone the man had used.

Taylor stood by the counter stirring the mixture of flour, butter, eggs, sugar, salt, and milk and Travis was in charge of cleaning up the mess he had made while putting all the ingredients in the bowl.

"I left you for one minute and this is what you do? You're worse than a toddler!" Taylor teased, laughing at the mess he made.

"The milk is really hard to pour! It's hard to predict where it will fall!" Travis defended, making Taylor burst out in laughter again.

"I dare you to laugh at me again!" Travis exclaimed, towering over Taylor.

She smiled and pecked him on the lips as he propped her up on the counter. Travis went back in for another and longer kiss as his hands traveled down her shirt while her hands went back and forth through his short hair.

Taylor sat on the couch, her legs tucked into her chest, as tears streamed down her face. Her apartment filled with memories of Travis and her together made her feel more guilty. She felt terrible for leaving Travis when he trusted her, but she wasn't ready to take the risk of someone thinking of her as a parental figure, she was too busy and too high in her career to make such a commitment. She needed to get away, away from the epitome of her sadness and guilt. Taylor decided to fly away to Rhode Island for a couple weeks and refresh her head and try to rid her mind of any thoughts of Travis and let go of him.

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