hospital visist

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A/n: Actually I lied... This story will also be short.. I'm running out of ideas

Taylor set out to grab breakfast in a small café by Wallum Lake which she had discovered a couple years ago when she visited Rhode Island. As she drove past the nostalgic path, stopping at the red light and looking around to take in the sight, her eyes fell onto a horrid sight. She immediately turned the car and parked by the side of the road and ran back to the tree she had spotted. A tear ran down her cheek as she saw a small child curled up and naked by a tree, the body filled with bruises and cuts. As she went closer, her eyes widened in horror and surprise as she saw Ellie, the same girl from the airport; the girl's actions all made sense to her now.

"Ellie, baby, wake up," Taylor called, picking up the girl.

"No, mommy, I'm sorry!" Ellie cried out, putting her hands out in front of her in an act to protect herself.

"Honey, no, it's me, it's Taylor, remember, at the airport," Taylor reminded.

"Taylor from the airport?" Ellie asked, repeating Taylor's words.

"Yeah, honey, Taylor from the airport. Will you come with me? I have a blanket in my trunk, it will keep you warm," Taylor asked.

"Please no!" Ellie cried.

"Why not? Do you not want a blanket?" Taylor asked, pulling the girl closer to her and covering her from the outside view.

"I won't be bad," Ellie said through sobs.

"Ellie, what does your mother do with a blanket?" Taylor questioned.

"She puts it on my face for two minutes until I become all red and start crying, it's so scary."

"Fuck," Taylor muttered to herself before speaking to the girl again. "Well I won't do that, I'll wrap it around your body to keep you warm. Can we try it once?"

Ellie nodded her head and allowed Taylor to pick her up and run to the car. Taylor gets out a soft, blue blanket and covers the girl's broken body before setting her in the back seat and calling her publicist, who arrived a few days ago for a job meeting.

"Hey, Taylor," Tree greets after picking up the call.

"I need you to come to the park near Wallum Lake right now. Questions later." Taylor said.

After Tree confirmed she'd be there in a couple minutes, Taylor shifted her attention on to the flair girl sitting right beside her. She picked her up and cradled the girl in her arms, gently rocking her back and forth. Understanding the situation, Tree didn't ask any questions and instead instructed Taylor to sit in the back and drove them back to Taylor's apartment.

"How about we take a bath? You have a lot of dirt all over you," Taylor suggested. Ellie started to cry louder as she tried to get away from Taylor until Taylor spoke again.

"Why don't you want to be clean, babe?" Taylor asked.

"Too cold," Ellie whimpered, thinking about what her mother did.

"What if you feel the temperature before getting in and I'll also get in," Taylor asked.

After a minute, Ellie nodded her head, letting Taylor proceed to the bathroom and turn on the water. After the bathtub filled up with water, Taylor slowly dipped in Ellie's hand who then nodded in approval.

"Dada always lets me use warm water, mommy makes me use cold water," Ellie tells Taylor.

"Speaking of dada, do you know his phone number, where he lives, or how he looks?" Taylor asks, stripping into only her underwear and bra as she gets in with the small girl who wouldn't let go of her.

"Dada lives far away, back in that place before the plane and he lives in a big house with me. He has a mustache and a tickly beard. He plays catch with a brown ball all the time with my uncle Jay and uncle Patty." Ellie says.

Taylor's eyes widened as she looked at the girl sitting in her lap, she only knew one person who fit that exact description. The one person she needed to get away from, the one person who she needed her mind to let go of, she was with his daughter. Taylor silently washed Ellie and helped her put on some clothes while thinking about everything that just happened.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Ellie yelled, as Taylor tried to put on the girl's shirt.

"What is it, baby?" Taylor asked.

"My arm, I can't move it," Ellie cried.

Taylor wrapped the girl up in a blanket and decided to go straight to the hospital, knowing that the girl needed to immediately be medically treated. As soon as Ellie saw the hospital, she started to kick, scream, cry and throw a huge tantrum, so much so that Taylor couldn't get her out of the car.

"We can call your dada if you come,'' Taylor bribed.

Ellie reluctantly let Taylor pick her up and as soon as they got inside, Ellie stuffed her face into Taylor and hid, hoping the doctors wouldn't be able to see her anymore. She heard them talk for a long time before Taylor walked into a room and sat down, not letting go of the small girl once.

Travis was watching some of the football practice tape and taking down some notes and pointers until he heard his phone ring from the sofa. He got up from the dining table and picked up his phone and the called ID shocked him; he thought she'd want nothing to do with him after the other night. He sat down and immediately picked up, still recovering from the shock.

"Hey Taylor," he greeted, as she popped up on the screen.

Before Taylor could respond, a familiar three year-old jumped into the frame and screamed "Dada!", which shocked Travis even more. What the heck was Taylor doing with his daughter in Rhode Island.

After the girl had settled down in Taylor's lap, Taylor started to speak. "Hey Trav, I know this is crazy but Ellie and I met on a flight to Rhode Island. I was going there to clear my mind and she needed help finding her seat which was somehow next to mine. She was very hesitant to go to her mother but I didn't think much of it. I was getting breakfast this morning and she was on the side of the road, naked and covered with bruises. I gave her a bath and she said her father had facial hair and buddies who were named Jay and Patty and I thought of you, and here we are."

"Thank you for looking after her, I'm getting on a flight as soon as I can, I'm searching for tickets right now. I know this isn't ideal for you and it isn't what you want to do, but thank you for helping," Travis said, before shifting his attention to his daughter.

"Girlie, daddy's coming over right now. Be a good girl for Taylor, I'll be there soon," he says to his daughter.

"Dada, I wanna stay with you or Taylor, I don't like mommy. She makes me take cold baths and she locks me with the spiders. I don't like it there!" Ellie complains.

"Oh baby girl, I'm so sorry, you're never going back to mommy again, it'll be just me and you," Travis said, his heart breaking due to her words.

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