going home with him

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A/n: I don't feel like updating this anymore.. so only another like three parts

"Honey, please, they need to make sure you're okay," Taylor begged.

For the past hour, Ellie refused to let go of Taylor to get an x-ray scan, she wouldn't even step foot into the room with the x-ray. Every time Taylor or the doctors tried to get her in there, she would start to cry and kick until they walked away from the room. Ellie wiggled out of Taylor's grip, she was mad at Taylor for trying to make her go in the room with the big, scary machines, and she made a run for it, her little legs taking her as fast as they could go. As she was halfway down the hallway, she ran into a man; quickly looking up, she realized it was her father.

"Daddy!" Ellie yelled, throwing herself at her dad.

Travis chuckled and picked her up, adjusting her on his hip and he walked to where Taylor was standing. Both lovers look at each other as he walks closer to her, as if time slowed down just for them. 

"Dada! Taylor was being mean to me. She tried to make me go in a room with scary things!" Ellie complained.

"It was an x-ray, she needs to get an x-ray done," Taylor clarifies.

"No x-rays for Ellie, right?" Travis says, making Ellie nod.

Travis rested her on his chest as he slowly rocked her back and forth, patting her back gently. Looking at Taylor's confusion, he just motioned for her to stay quiet, which she did. After a couple minutes of him rocking her to sleep, Ellie gradually falls asleep and Travis hands her over to the doctor. Now it was just Travis and Taylor alone in a room together, what they had both been dreading after their last conversation.

"I'm sorry you had to do this, I know it's not what you wanted or what you're ready for," Travis apologized.

"It's not that, I'm just not ready for her to see me as anything more than just Taylor, I'm ready to commit to you, or I was, just not be there for a child, especially with me on tours or in the studio or at interviews all the time," Taylor clarifies.

"I never said you needed to step up and be a parent to her, I just didn't want to lie to you," Travis mumbled.

"I just need some time to think things through, alright?" Taylor said.

Travis just nodded his head, leaning back against the chair trying to stop the tears from falling down his face. Taylor sat there not knowing whether to comfort him or let him be; she wanted to wrap the man in a hug and kiss him until he felt better but she didn't know if she could. She instead reached out for his hand and comfortingly rubbed her thumb over it. She could feel Travis hesitantly try to pull it away before finally leaving his hand there, letting her hold it. They both jumped away from each other as they heard a loud scream and little footsteps.

"You tricked me! I don't like you anymore!" Ellie cried, running over to Taylor.

She climbed into Taylor's lap, very visibly shaking from fear, curling up in the woman's lap as she angrily glared at her father. Of course both the older people found it very amusing but they had to act accordingly and didn't let their true feelings show.

"I'm so sorry, princess, that was wrong of me," Travis cooed.

"Mom, dad, can we talk?" the doctor asked, coming in.

"Oh, no, we're not, she's not the mom," Travis said, quickly.

"My bad, I'm sorry sir, may I talk to you both about her?" the doctor asks.

After getting approval from both of the adults, the doctors pulled up the x-ray images taken a couple minutes ago and started talking about the problems and what they needed to do. They need to call CPS on her birth mom and also bandage her wounds daily. They also booked an appointment with a therapist while they waited for Ellie to get a cast on her left arm. After they brought her back, Ellie climbed into Taylor's arm and cuddled into the woman's chest.

"I think it's time to let Taylor go back to her vacation," Travis said, trying to pick up his daughter.

"Dada no! I want her to stay, please?" Ellie asked, refusing to leave Taylor's arms.

"Baby, Taylor has to go to her home," Travis said, trying to grab his daughter from the woman.

"No! No! No!" Ellie whined, thrashing around, hurting herself again.

Her loud sobs echoed the room as she cried in Taylor's arms, refusing to move as pain shot through her arm. Taylor sat down with the girl in her arms and genty bounced the girl on her leg. Taylor pushes the baby hairs out of Ellie's face and wipes the small girl's tears using her thumb.

"Can we keep her, daddy, please?" Ellie pleaded.

Taylor let out a hearty laugh as Travis broke out into a small smile, Taylor sighed before saying "If it's okay with you, I don't mind staying."

Travis froze as he thought about how it would feel having his ex in his house knowing he was still fully in love with her. But looking down at his daughter, practically gleaming with excitement and clutching onto Taylor like her life depended on it, Travis just couldn't say no. He lowered his head and agreed to allow Taylor to stay for the night to see his daughter happy. When he looked up again, he saw his daughter smiling while telling Taylor about some story while Taylor attentively listened. All he wanted was this, for his daughter and Taylor to get along, but he was scared that his daughter was forcing her into doing something she's not ready for yet.

As they walked back to the car, Travis made sure Ellie was ahead of them before he spoke. "If you're not okay with this, just tell me, I don't want you to feel forced into this, especially since we're not, you know," he said, exacerbating the awkward tension lingering around both of them. Taylor just awkwardly nodded before looking down at her feet and fastening her pace to move away from the situation.

Anger and jealousy filled Travis as he looked over the counter to see Ellie all cuddled up with Taylor while they were doing a puzzle. Ellie never wanted to do a puzzle with him, she always liked doing it by herself. All of a sudden his ex shows up and his daughter is begging her to do stuff with her. What was he doing wrong?

"Travis, take the lid off!" Taylor yelled, looking at the lid of the boiling pot of pasta about to fall off.

"I know, Taylor, I know how to do things!" Travis screamed, picking up the lid and throwing it into the sink.

Taylor stayed quiet and distracted Ellie as Travis struggled to make simple pasta. First he slips on the water he dropped trying to drain the pasta, then he hits his head on the refrigerator when bedding down to get the sauce, and on top of that, he cuts his leg as he drops a bowl. Ellie runs over to her dad when she hears him scream but just before she could get close to him, Taylor picks her up, making sure the small girl didn't accidentally step on the broken glass pieces. Taylor could see the veins in Travis' neck and forehead as his face turned red.

"Honey, can you go to your room and draw daddy a picture?" Taylor asks, trying to get the little kid away from the scene.

Without much protest, Ellie goes upstairs to draw a picture for her father, which leaves Taylor and Travis alone again. Travis takes a step forward and cries in pain as he forgot about the glass pieces on the ground. Taylor bends down and carefully picks up the larger pieces of glass and throws them away before holding her hand out to Travis. She lets him lean his weight on her as she practically drags him to the couch, helping him lay down.

"Taylor, I can manage," Travis grumbled.

"Shut up and lay there, I swear to God if you move, Travis!" Taylor exclaimed, walking back into the kitchen to clean up.

"Taylor, I know how to do this!" the man argued.

"Travis, don't do this with me right now, be quiet!" Taylor warns, sweeping up the kitchen carefully.

After she finished making the rest of the pasta and making sure the kitchen had no more glass pieces on the floor, Taylor grabbed the emergency kit from the drawer under the sink and walked back over to Travis again. As he asked her what she was doing, instead of responding, Taylor started to pull out the glass pieces from the bottom of his leg. He tried to control his screams as his daughter was upstairs, trying to tell himself that he had felt much more pain in football. Taylor disinfected all the cuts using rubbing alcohol and then applied some kind of cream before wrapping his leg with a bandage. He looked down to see her putting her hair up in a ponytail while focusing on tying the bandage to keep it in place, making his face flush, this was going to be a long day.

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