the fight for ellie

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"No, no, no! She can't do that!" Travis yelled, slamming his hands on the table.

"I'm sorry but the best that can happen is spilt custody, you can't win," Pia said.

"She was absent for three years of her life, she can't just come back and win custody over my child!" Travis screamed, his face flushed red.

"She went to rehab and because she is better, she is allowed custody. It's going to be okay, Travis," Pia tries to reassure.

"She tried to kill Ellie, that monster isn't getting my child!"

"We will try our best to make sure she doesn't get custody but right now, you get ready for a court case in a couple days," Pia said, reaching out to Travis' lawyer.

"I don't want this stupid child!" Sarah screamed, punching her stomach.

"Sarah, stop! You're gonna hurt her!" Travis pleased, grabbing her arms.

Sarah struggled out of his grip, twisting and turning until she forced her way out of his grip and ran to the counter. She grabbed a bottle of whisky from the cupboard and started to chug it while Travis tried to get to her. 

"It's too far in, the due date is in a couple days!" Travis said.

The court date rolled around and Travis found himself sitting nervously in the courtroom, his heart pounding with anxiety.  Travis gripped the armrests of his chair tightly, his eyes shifting between his lawyer and the judge.

As the case unfolded, Travis's lawyer argued passionately for the safety and well-being of Ellie, emphasizing Sarah's troubled past and the danger she posed to their child. The opposing counsel countered with arguments about Sarah's rehabilitation and her right to be a part of Ellie's life.

Travis felt felt a rush of emotions like anger, frustration, and fear as he listened to the arguments unfold. He couldn't bear the thought of Ellie being placed in Sarah's care, knowing the harm she had caused in the past before the small girl was even born.

The hours ticked by agonizingly slow as testimony was heard and evidence presented. Travis could hardly sit still, his mind racing with worry for Ellie's future. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the judge announced the verdict. Travis held his breath as the words echoed in the silent courtroom.

"In the best interest of the child, custody will be awarded to Travis," the judge declared.

Relief washed over Travis as he heard the decision. Tears welled up in his eyes as he realized that Ellie would be safe with him. As he was in the car, waiting to go home and see his daughter, he saw an unusual car pull up. He walked towards it to see the familiar blond nervously waiting there.

"Trav, we need to talk," Taylor said.

"I need to see my daughter," Travis said, trying to walk away.

"Wait, I was wrong. I was scared and I ran, I'm sorry. I've been thinking and I would like to be a part of yours and Ellie's life again. This whole situation made me realize that I am ready for this and I can't be scared. I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you, but if your willing to give me another chance I won't let you down," Taylor said, with a hopeful look on her face.

Travis paused, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. He hadn't expected Taylor to show up, especially not now, just moments after winning custody of Ellie. He did want to get hurt again, he wanted to protect himself and his daughter from any further pain. But as he looked into Taylor's eyes, he saw a genuine sincerity that made his hesitate to say no..

Taking a deep breath, Travis considered her words carefully. Despite the hurt she had caused in the past, a part of him still wanted a family with her and Ellie, and his daughter seemed to like her.

Taking a deep breath, Travis made a decision. "Yes, Taylor. Let's talk."

A smile spread across Taylor's face, relief evident in her eyes.

 "Thank you, Travis. I promise, things will be different this time. I'll do whatever it takes to make it right," she said.

 Travis felt a sense of cautious optimism wash over him. Perhaps this was the fresh start they both needed, they both needed a chance to heal and create a better future for Ellie. As they walked inside, Ellie saw her father and taylor laughing together and she ran up to the woman she thought she wouldn't see again.

"Tay! Dada let you come!" the small girl said, hugging her leg.

Taylor picked up the girl and planted a kiss on her cheek. Travis smiled as he watched Ellie's face break out into a huge smile, feeling a warmth fill his heart that he hadn't felt in a long time. Seeing his daughter's joy in reuniting with Taylor, he couldn't deny the hope that this reunion held for their family.

"Yes, Ellie, Dada let Taylor come," Travis replied.

Taylor hugged Ellie tightly, her eyes glossed with tears of happiness. "I missed you so much, sweetie. And I promise, I'm never leaving again."

As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, Travis knew that their journey ahead would be filled with challenges and uncertainties. The man also joined the hug, squeezing them both, never wanting to lose them again. And Travis knew that no matter what obstacles they faced, they would face them together, as a family.

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