The Power of the Almighty

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While traveling Jiraiya kept glancing at Naruto. Naruto could tell the Sannin was wary of him.

Before they arrived in Tanzaku-gai Jiraiya asked Naruto what his goal was.

"My goal is to unite all three realms together." Naruto

"All three realms." Jiraiya questioned

"The human world, the afterlife and the realm of the gods." Naruto

This didn't sit well with Jiraiya. Something as absurd as that was bound to have severe consequences.

"Why would you attempt to do something as crazy as that." Jiraiya

"By merging all three realms together it will end the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Thus creating a world without death." Naruto

"Naruto, merging the realms as you desire will not bring peace. It will only bring ruin to the three realms," Jiraiya cautioned.

He explained the delicate balance that existed between the realms and how disrupting it could result in catastrophe.

"You are more than welcome to stop me" Naruto said releasing his pressure

"Just how did he did get this power." Jiraiya thought

As they made their way to Tanzaku-gai. Jiraiya thought of the threat Naruto posed to all the realms.

"Damn it why couldn't he be more like his parents." Jiraiya thought

When they were near a hotel a woman appeared. She winked at Jiraiya.

This made the Sannin forget the tension he felt.

Today we're staying here!" Jiraiya

"Stay here until I come back."Jiraiya said as he walked away with the woman

Naruto was sitting in the hallway of the hotel on a throne. Eagerly awaiting his foes.

The four Akatsuki members appeared.

What they saw shocked them.

''So you finally arrived

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''So you finally arrived." Naruto said as he stood up

The air suddenly turned cold. The Akatsuki felt an intense pressure on them.

"This kid is a monster." Kisame thought

Naruto stopped releasing his pressure and created a portal.

"Follow me" Naruto said before going through The portal

The Akatsuki members looked at each other.

"Let's retreat. This battle will surely not end in our favor" Itachi

"Oh chicken are we" Hidan teased

"Hidan this isn't time to be making jokes." Kakuzu

"I agree with you. This isn't worth the risk."

"Well then if we are on the verge of losing then we retreat." Kisame

"You are all just a bunch of pussies. Screw retreating I will sacrifice that kid to Lord Jashin." Hidan

''Then die for all I care" Kakuzu

"Like that's gonna happen." Hidan smirked

They went through the portal.

The portal led to the forest they passed on their way to Tanzaku-gai.

Naruto, the all-seeing and omnipotent leader of the Quincy, stood firm with unwavering confidence. On the opposing side, the Akatsuki - Itachi, Kisame, Kakuzu, and Hidan, gathered with determination etched on their faces, ready to face this formidable foe.

Naruto's eyes glowed with an eerie intensity, his ability to foresee all outcomes giving him an unparalleled advantage on the battlefield. With a mere glance, he could unravel the strategies of his opponents, leaving them at his mercy. As the Akatsuki members launched their coordinated attacks, Naruto effortlessly countered each move, his movements fluid and precise.

Itachi, the prodigious Uchiha prodigy, used his Sharingan to cast illusions and genjutsu in an attempt to deceive Naruto. However, the Quincy King's senses allowed him to see through the illusions effortlessly, countering with swift and devastating blows that pushed Itachi to his limits.

Kisame, the monstrous swordsman of the Akatsuki, unleashed waves of water-style jutsu in a relentless assault. Yet, Naruto ability to manipulate Almighty allowed him to effortlessly deflect the attacks, turning Kisame's own water against him with deadly accuracy.

Kakuzu, the mercenary with multiple hearts and forbidden jutsu, launched a barrage of elemental attacks, his tendrils of black threads seeking to bind Naruto. But the Quincy King's precognitive abilities proved too advanced, dodging each strike with calculated grace and launching devastating counterattacks that left Kakuzu reeling.

Hidan, the immortal zealot with a penchant for blood rituals, attempted to land his deadly curse technique on Naruto, aiming to end the battle in one decisive stroke. However, Naruto's eyes saw through the ritual's mechanics, and with a single swift movement, he incapacitated Hidan, leaving him powerless to continue the fight.

As the battle raged on, it became clear that the Akatsuki's efforts were futile against Naruto's transcendent abilities. With each passing moment, the Quincy King's dominance grew more apparent, his all-seeing eyes leaving no room for error.

In a attempt, desperate gambit, Itachi unleashed his most powerful genjutsu, hoping to trap Naruto in an illusion from which he could not escape. But even this was foreseen by Naruto, who shattered the illusion with a single glance.

Seeing that Naruto was about aim a Reishi blast at him. Itachi quickly cast his Amaterasu on Naruto.

Unfortunately that didn't work as the flames dissipated harmlessly.

Seeing that Itachi summoned his Susanoo.

Naruto fired the blast at Itachi. Itachi reflected it with the Yata Mirror. Which tore a hole through Naruto's body.

Itachi didn't want to take chances. So he stabbed Naruto with his Totsuka Blade in attempt to seal the Quincy King.

"Hahahaha it's pointless." Naruto

"No it can't be" Itachi thought

Naruto's body healed. With a mere thought from Naruto Itachi's Susanoo vanished.

Itachi fell to the floor. Afterwards he started coughing hysterically.

Naruto commended Itachi for efforts although they were futile.

And so, the battle concluded, with Naruto standing victorious over his fallen adversaries, his all-seeing eyes a testament to his unrivaled power and foresight. The Akatsuki's valiant efforts had proven futile against the Quincy King's overwhelming might, a stark reminder of the threat he posed to the worlds.

Shino arrived with Sasuke at his side.

"Itachi" Sasuke thought

Sasuke saw that his brother layed at the mercy of Naruto.

"What is that thing." Sasuke

"That's his Majesty Naruto." Shino

"Naruto" Sasuke thought


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