Author's Note

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Hello! And thank You Reader for reading this dark and twisted story that I wrote. I do hope that You liked it! First off, this story were a bit inspired by the Konami game Castlevania Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate.

I first played that game on the 3ds many years ago and I recently started to play it again. And I got inspired by the game's story and ending and I began to imagine different things as I played it.

So one day I decided, "Fuck it, I try to write this story and see how this turns out!" And of course it turned out to be what You have read now. 

And If You are still confused by some of the moments in this story then I shall explaine it here. The people that Livena met (except for Arskan) Were shown a vision by one of the elders of a secret organisation that is known as the Sacred order.

A vision that showed Andon Songstar would die which made them worry. For starters the vision were shown a year before Livena and Andon meet.

And that Andon didnt have time to pass the one thing that is keeping the darkness locked away. Which is the marks on his back that has been passed on for generations to his daughter who were far too young to recive it.

But they were also shown a vision of what Livena defeating the darkness and what She would become. So they began to prepare for when Livena sets on her path to defeat the monster and swore to keep the truth hidden until it was time.

And as for the twist that Arskan is another version of Andon thing, I shall also explain that as well. The gods were also shown this vision of Livena's furture so they made a version of Andon that were designed to be a great warrior and partner to her.

And Andon's past memories would pass onto the version the gods made to. 1, that it would be easier to help Livena heal from the greif of losing Andon.

2, And to also tell her that their daughter Yuki is still alive and that the sacred order plans to use her as a weapon against her.

But There were some complications and Andon's memories were accidentally "Erased" from Arskan's mind. Making him the person what We all saw in the story. 

And as for the Werewolf King Alkan, He found out about the vision of Andon's death and Livena's path to defeat the darkness monster.

But He werent told that She would become a powerful demonic goddess. And He had plans to go try and kill her but when He found out.

He was like. "Hell no, I am not fighing her now that She is a powerful monsterous god. I'm just going to go swear loyalty to her so that She dosent tear me apart!" 

Now that I think about it, it is pretty comedic. Its like when the other gods in the god of war series, when there is a person that is powerful as Kratos they either A,  try to stay out of their way or B, fight them and get fucking torn to shreds. 

Now where were I? Oh right! Sorry, I got a bit off track here. Anyway, After writing such a story. I was thinking that I write a sequel or two about this story.

And I have so many ideas of what will happen in Livena's story next. but I am not so sure if I should write it or not, well anyway. thank You again Reader for reading this story and I hope that You have a wonderful day onward. :)

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