Chapter 4

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Louis begins walking home after his encounter with Alex and Harry. All he can think about is Harry's hurtful words before he left the tree house. Louis doesn't know what to think of it. In fact he does know, but he does not want to admit it to himself.

When he met Harry last night, Louis thought he was a sweet alpha for protecting him from the dangerous ones in his tavern. Now the picture doesn't add up so much.

He walks in the direction Harry told him to go. It's midday, cold and Louis is determined to get back home but only for the warmth. He can deal with Harry later, and all his feelings.

He sees the castle from far away, his home looking little from the distance. He takes a deep breath and squeezes his eyes shut for a moment. So much has happened in the last twenty four hours.

Just yesterday Louis was a virgin omega prince who had never dealt with the outside world of his home. Now that he has, he isn't that curious anymore. Life outside the castle is rough, people fighting for food, and unmated omegas are in danger all the time.

And then again, his mind drifts to Harry. When Harry had said that he didn't want to see his face while they were knotted together, that was like a stake in the heart, it still hurts him. The pang in his chest is still fresh as the act only happened a few mere hours ago.

Louis rests his shoulder against the nearest tree and continues to look at his castle. Well not his anymore, as probably soon he will have to leave again, but not on his own accord. The thought causes his body to shudder. If Louis goes back, it's sure as the sun rays in a summer day that he will have to be mated to that duke. He doesn't even want to bother remembering his name.

Oh, how he wishes he could just marry someone he is in love with; someone who treats him good and isn't nearly thirty years older than him. Someone like Harry.

Even though Louis has known him no more than a day, he can see himself eventually falling for the green eyed alpha. He blames it on that stupid tree house. Yes, Harry treated him a bit harsh when they had sexual intercourse, but Louis likes to think that's just the way Harry is during sex. Rough, a little bit heartless.

But Harry also helped him when Alex, a wolf of his pack mind you, tried to hurt Louis and maybe in the worst case scenario, defile him. Harry had this glint of possessiveness in his eyes when he insulted Alex for taking advances towards Louis. Louis likes that, Harry's possessiveness that is.

He inhales and exhales deeply, trying to even out his breathing. He can see the puff of air escaping his lips, hot breath against cold crisp air. Louis breathes into his hands again, trying to make the cold a little more bearable.

He continues his walk, his heart beating faster with each step he makes towards the castle. The blue eyed omega hopes with all of his heart that his parents are not aware of his short lived adventure, and mistake his absence as a protest to being married against his will, even though it is.

His hope is crushed the minute two guards in front of the main gate recognize him and immediately run towards him. Their faces look pale and relieved at the same time, as soon as they approach Louis.

They start asking him if he's okay, if anybody hurt him or if someone dragged him out of the castle involuntarily, but Louis doesn't have the will or energy to give explanations to the guards. He knows he will have to do that as soon as his parents lay their eyes on him.

He starts panicking and feeling this nauseated feeling at the idea of facing his parents, and as much as he wants to postpone that meeting, he cannot.
The bulky alpha guards do not dare put their hands on him. They know better than to touch an unmated omega, more so if the omega is a prince.

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