chapter 4

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The smoke got me before the heat did. I grabbed Aidens hand and pulled him along the corridor, "pull you t-shirt over your mouth " I shouted at Aiden didn't so i stopped for a moment and pulled his collar up over his nose. I did the same. I continued down the corridor. We was the only ones around , everyone had left. I stopped all of a sudden, the corridor was blocked with flames. 

"whats happening ?" Aiden shouted. 

"we're trapped!" i screamed.

I yanked him another way into another corridor , it was blocked . I couldn't think of any way out .

"into a class room" i shouted and pulled him inwards.

I blocked the vents up  my PE kit and back , but smoke was filling the room. I checked the windows. nothing. There was no way out.

"Emma...... i don't think we can get out " he said in a sad tone. 

I felt a dear drop down my cheek. I started to sob. 

"don't cry Emma ..... it will be OK " he comforted. 

I felt Aidens arms around me. I was getting dizzy from the smoke ,and so was he. 

"Emma ........" he forced. Just before he blacked out. I caught him a bit ,but he was considerably taller and more muscly that me. I could feel it . I could barely keep him up. I knew i had to get him out.

I sat him up against the wall. I grabbed a plastic box and threw it at the thin windows. I tried again with a chair and it worked. The window broke. I half carried, half dragged Aiden towards the broken window. I saw blood on his jacket. Oh no ! i thought until i realised it was my hands bleeding from the shards.

I knew i was going to black out soon from the smoke, i moved most of the glass making it as safe as possible. I hated to do this but i pushed Aiden out the window, onto the wet grass. I jumped out after him. I dragged Aiden as far as possible trying to find help. I heard a huge explosion and then i fell , unconscious to the ground next to him.

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