Chapter 1 - The Contract

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You've been called to Valentino's office, as you sit in the chair he leans back on his smoking from his red pipe, he's wearing his gold framed pink heart glasses and has his wings wrapped around him, giving off the impression of a long red coat.

His office smelt like tobacco and his desk covered most of his body, the chair your in was very hard and uncomfortable whereas his chair was a gold lined red cushioned one.

His white fur was wrapped around his neck with little red love hearts on it and even he opened his mouth to take a drag you could see the sight glimpse of his good tooth.

You sit and watch him smoke for sometime before he speaks

"do you know why I've called you in here today?" he asks calming as he takes another drag of his cigarette. His voice was rough and gritty, always with just a hint of dominance behind it.

You shake your head.

Valentino smiles, you hate it when he smiles. His smile looks friendly but you know that most of the time when he smiles, there's something more to it.

"I've called you in here today because you've been working for me for over a month now, and I have a little something for you"

He waves his hand around and out of the devilish pinkie red smoke appeared a contract, he slides it over the table with a pen.

"W-what is this?" you ask as your voice starts to shake.

"it's a contract darling, All my workers have one.. but yours.. yours is slightly different" he smiles sinisterly.

You look at him fearfully "h-how is mine different."

Valentino chuckles "well, this states that if you sign it, you'll officially be working for me and that I would own your soul in the studio"

"why... why would I sign that?" you ask hesitantly.

Valentino chuckles "because if you don't I'll simply throw you back out onto the streets of hell where I first found you" he speaks calmingly with malice behind his words.

"I-I can't go back out there.. not back on the streets" you say quietly.

Valentino's smile widens as he takes another drag of his cigarette "then sign the contract and you won't have to"

You look at the contract and start to read it.

Valentino slams his hand on it, covering everything but the dotted line "I didn't say to read it.. just to sign it" he snarls.

You jump as his hand slams on the table "I-I don't even get to read it"

Valentino smiles "I already told you what it says baby, all you got to do is sign your name" his tone was softer now, maybe even gentle.

You look at the dotted line just under his fingers. You pick up the pen and Valentino smiles. You look back at him again and sigh heavily.

You don't want to end up on the streets again so you have no choice but to sign it.

You slowly hover the pen over the dotted line and take a deep breathe "no, I don't want to sign it"

Valentino raises his eyebrow at you "you...don't want to sign the contract?"

You shake your head.

Valentino chuckles sinisterly "darling... have you not enjoyed the small taste of what I can offer you here?"

"I-I have mister Valentino... it's just, I don't want to sign it" you say quietly.

Valentino drag his cigarette and blows the smoke in your face "I don't remember asking you to sign it.. I'm telling you to sign it" his voice was lower than usual, it had a much darker tone to it now.

You stare at him with fear in your eyes but you stay quiet.

Valentino glares at you through his roses tinted glasses "sign it, or I'll fucking make you sign it" he demanded.

You pick up the pen again, your whole body shaking.

"That's it baby, you don't want to make daddy mad now, do you?" he smiles his sinister smile at you as he drags on his cigarette again.

As he puffs out the red smoke onto your face you try your hardest not to cough as you cover your mouth with your hand.

"I'm waiting.." he said impatiently.

You sit there with the pen in your hand and you look down at the contract, you had no idea what it really said.. no idea what kind of tinted things he might have put down on there..

Valentino slams his fist on the table "I WILL NOT ASK AGAIN" he growled.

Your body shakes even more hearing his growl.

"Do you really want to find put what happened if you make daddy mad?" he asks playfully.

You could here his devious manner behind his words.

You look at him and gulp in fear as you hold the pen in your hand "n-no sir" you stutter.

"then be a good little bitch and sign the fucking contract!" Valentino snarls.

You could tell he was getting very impatient with you as he snarled.

You hover the pen over the contract again.

"I-I have a question?" you ask shakily.

Valentino grits his teeth and smiles "yes?"

"You said you'd own my soul in the studio? So... no where else?" you ask hesitantly.

Valentino sighs "I would own you in the studio, and in my club, but no where else cariño" he smiles softly. "any other questions?"

You shake your head and writing out your name on the contract. As you do you can feel Valentino's stare burn into your soul.

As you drop the pen on the table he chuckles slightly and blows out red smoke from his cigarette. He waves his hand around and just like that the contract disappears in a cloud of red smoke.

Valentino leans on his table closer to you "from this moment on puta you belong to me" his smile was devious.

You look at him and say nothing, already regretting signing your name.

Valentino lays back in his chair "tomorrow, you'll start work. I expect you to be at the studio on time. When I texting you, you come running" he smiles "you don't want to find out what happens if your late... got it?" his tone was calm but it came across as threatening.

You look at him and nod with fear...
You just knew that there was no way you were gonna be late tomorrow..

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