Chapter 3 - Angel Dust

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As reach the hallway of the rooms you see Angel Dust standing outside yours. As you walk up to him you look to the ground and try not to make eye contact.

“Hey, toots. How did your first day go?” Angel asked sounding concerned.

You look at him and smile “oh, it was nothing. It was okay” you chuckle “pretty vanilla stuff I guess”

Angel crossed his lower set of arms and puffed on his cigarette “are ya sure?”

You glare at Angel “look, what’s it to you?” you ask.

“Hey, I’m just tryna look out for ya” he replied.

“yeah, well don’t” you shut him down.
He places one hand on your shoulder “Val had a turn didn’t he?” he asks sincerely.

You look to the ground and nod.
“God damn that fucking asshole”

You stare at Angel “you, you’ve had Valentino before?”

Angel scoffs “hunny, for some reason I’m his favourite”

You look to the ground “oh, so you know then?”

Angel nods as he takes another puff “oh yeah, I know. He can be an ass”

You open your door and glance at Angel “do you uh,  wanna come in?”

Angel smiled “sure toots”

As you both walk in, you take of your jacket and Angel notices the hand marks around your throat, they were already turning purple.

“D-did he do that to you?” Angel asks shocked.

You look to the ground ashamed “yeah.. he.. he wouldn’t let go..”

“fucking hell... are you sure your okay toots?”

You nod “yeah, he just...”

“No! Don’t you defend him! Don’t you dare do that” Angel cut you off horrified.

“but he-“

Angel shook his head “no, toots.  There is so excuse for his behaviour... I learned that the hard way”

You stare at Angel “look, I’m fine. He didn’t kill me, I’m okay”

Angel stares at you in horror “so, you think it’s okay because he didn't kill you?!”

You look away from him “look,  he could’ve killed me... but he didn't.  He may have knocked me around a little bit but I'm not dead okay”

Angel scoffs “you still shouldn’t defend him toots”

You look down and sigh “yeah well... look I don’t need your advice okay Angel.  I'll be fine”

Angel sighs “yeah, until you end up wishing you were dead” he looks to the ground.

You stay silent and grab a cigarette from your packet on your table.

Angel watches you as he tries to figure out what your whole deal is.

You puff on your cigarette “look, I don’t need a babysitter okay”

Angel looks at you “I’m not ya babysitter. I wanna make sure your okay toots. I know how hard it can be starting work with Valentino.”

You look to the ground “ I don’t get it... why do you care so much?”

Angel sighs “because, I was your position at one point. I don’t want you going down the same path I did”

You don’t say anything and just puff on your cigarette.

“Please, just let me help you out. L-let me be your friend toots” Angel pleads.

You sigh “fine. I guess you can be my friend”

Angel sighs with relief “thank you. Y-you wanna talk about today...with Val?”

You shake your head.

Angel nods “no, that’s okay. We don’t have to” he smiles gently.

You smile back at Angel and sit in your bed and puff your cigarette “so, what made you sign to Valentino? You ask.

Angel looks down “he- he tricked me. I thought... I thought he loved me” Angel looked to the ground “but I was wrong... it was a ruse”

“damn.. I’m sorry Angel, he found me on the streets and offered me... well, everything” you sigh and puff your cigarette.

Angel sighs “looks like he fucked us both over huh?”

You nod in reply.

“Yeah, I guess he did” you smile faintly.

Angel chuckles “ya know, your alight toots” he smiles.

You blush slightly “thanks, your not to bad either Angel”

You both sit in your room with a bit of awkward tension in the air, Angel’s face goes a bit red “I uh, best get going now cutie- I uh... I mean toots” Angel hurries out of your room embarrassed as he leaves you can hear him mumble “God fucking damn it.. why did ya say that Angel!?”

You can’t help but chuckle slightly at his embarrassment... it does make you wonder, did he mean to compliment you, or did he just fuck up?

You shrug it off and head to sleep, you know tomorrow will be busy.

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