Chapter 2 - The studio

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* please be aware, reader discretion is advised*

As you walk into the studio doors, you see Valentino sitting on his chair with cameras all set up in front of him... All facing one heart shaped bed, it had pink satin sheets draping of the sides, pink satin pillow cases (four of them) all neatly set up and placed underneath the bed was a bright red fluffy rug.

Valentino turns around to the sound of the studio doors closing "you're late" he hissed.

You stood there anxious "I-I'm sorry Valentino I-"

He walks up to you and towers over you "save it!" he cuts you off "your ten minutes fucking late!" he slaps your face and snarls at you.

You stand there holding your face as you wince in pain "I-I'm sorry" you plead.

"Sorry! Your fucking sorry!" he raises his voice "you made me wait... You've made me mad" he growls.

He turns away from you and walks back towards his chair, slumps down in it and starts smoking.
"Don't just stand there... Get over here!" he tells at you.

You quickly hurry over to him anxiously.

"Today, your gonna start off with fucking a client. You'll do whatever he asks of you." He demanded.

"I-uh, okay Valentino" you spoke quietly.

"Here's the script" he hands you a couple sheets of paper "read it, memorize!" He tells you.

You take the sheets of paper off him.

"Get on the bed and practice your lines.. oh, and take off your clothes."

You stare at him blankly.

You turns to you "do I need to repeat myself?"

You shake your head quickly.

"So, get In front of the bed and strip" he smiled sinisterly.

As you make your way to the bed you carefully and slowly remove your clothing.

"what, are you shy? Puta?" he smiles deviously.

"N-no I- um" you stutter trying to get your words out.

"Then get on with it" he groans impatiently.

Once you were undressed you got on the bed and looked at the script and started reading it.

Valentino sat in his chair behind the cameras and smiled at you.

"I- I've been very bad and need someone to tie me up and put me in my place- wait.. I-I'm gonna get tied up?" you stop reading the script and ask hesitantly.

Valentino just nods and puffs out red smoke from his cigarette.

You lay on the bed anxiously as you see someone coming out from behind the shadows with a rope in their hands.

It was a shark demon, he looked quite tall and very big built, compared to your demon like figure he towered over you in comparison.

He walked towards you with a big grin on his face, he stood by the side of the bed and smiled.

You look up at him I'm fear "N-no, I- I don't want this" you say nervously.

The shark demon looked over to Valentino, Valentino looked back at the shark and waved his hand as if to say 'carry on'

The shark demon smiled pleasurably as he leaned over you and started to tie your hands together.

You wince and try to look away from him as his face was so close to yours, you could feel his hot breath on your neck.

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