Chapter 5- Angel Dust

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As you sit in your room going over the script there was a faint knock on your door. You slowly walk over to it and open the door to see Angel standing there.

“Oh, hey Angel” you smile gently to him with the script still in your hand.
He smiles at you and runs his hand through his hair “ya mind if I came in toots?”

You smile back at him and let him in your room, you go to sit on your bed while still reading through the script. You look over to Angel who quietly shuts your door and stands there for a little bit, he didn’t turn around to you or say anything when he entered your room.

“Angel…that was your name, right?” you ask quietly.
You see him nod his head but still he doesn’t say anything.

You looked at him and sighed “are you okay Angel?” you put the script down and walked over to him and gently put your hand on his shoulder.
He winces at your touch, and you look at him slightly concerned.

“Angel, what’s the matter?”
He scrunches up his face as he walks away from you and onto your bed, he wraps his lower arms around his body and his eyes start to well up as he looks to the floor.

You approach the bed slowly and you make sure to keep some distance.
“Angel, are you okay? A-are you hurt?” you stutter as you ask him.

He looks at you and he sighs heavily “I-it’s nothin’ toots. I just- I don’t wanna be alone right now” his breath was shaky, and he was trying to hold back tears.

As you stand there and look at him, you start to wonder why he’s feeling like this. You try to reach out to him, but you hesitate, and you hold your hand up to your chest. As Angel watches you, he can see that your hesitant to touch him and he looks at you and sighs.

“Look, toots. I’m okay. I just- Val came to see me in ma room and I don’t wanna be- look I’m fine!” his voice gets a bit higher as he talks to you, there were a few tears running down his face, but he wipes them away and looks away from you.

As he sits there you back away a little bit from him and you grab the script from the bed, you figure that maybe him seeing that right now wouldn’t be the best thing right now. You give him a slight smile as you shove the script under your pillow.

“You want a drink or something Angel?” you would say to him quietly.
He would nod his head lightly without saying anything to you, with that you would get off the bed and bring a bottle of whiskey out from under your bed and offer him some.

He would be quick to take the bottle from you before taking a long gulp of it. You would look at him and half smile. “that bad huh?”

He would nod to you lightly as he laid on the bed, while it was clear that something was very wrong with Angel.. you didn’t press any further. You let them find comfort being with you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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