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summary: y/n teaches walker to dance
genre: fluff
warnings: kissing, pda

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"okay guys, really good lesson today so thank you. see you tomorrow!" my freestyle teacher calls out to our class as everyone grabs their water and makes their way out of the studio. i have a private lesson later on so i decide to go up to the top floor studio to practice.

"y/n wait up!" i hear from behind me. i turn around to see walker running up to walk beside me. "where are you going?"

"to the top studio to practice for my private, why are you here?" i ask with a smile as i ruffle his hair.

he forces my hands off of his head before replying "i wanted to surprise you. i haven't seen you dance before and decided i should change that." and i nearly melt on the spot. i thank him as i push the studio doors open.

walker sits on a spare chair in the room as i shuffle through my phone to find the music. an ad comes on which gives me enough time to return to the centre of the room. i flash walker a smile as the upbeat music starts and don't have time to see him return it as i start the combo.

i don't think walker knows that i can do any of these tricks so it's pretty cool to show off my technical routine to him.

i finish the sequence after doing it a couple times through and then look up to see walker wearing the proudest smile on his face as he claps and whoops. you can literally see the sweat dripping off my body but walker still races up and hugs me tightly. "that was insane!"

i laugh as he pulls away, his hands still resting on my waist. "thank you walker that's so sweet." for a moment we sort of just stare at each other. i can see the pride in his beautiful bright blue eyes.

just as i was about to look away he says "teach me." just barely above a whisper.

"huh?" i ask confused. teach him?

"teach me." walker laughs, now speaking a little louder even as he pulls me closer. "teach me how to dance."

"oh! right i get it." i laugh with him. "are you sure? in those jeans?"

he looks down at his tight ass black denim jeans. when he looks back up at me he has a sheepish grin plastered on his face. "i'll wear better clothes next time." he chuckles.

"get a room!" my dance teachers shout from the other side of the glass doors making us cackle. i wipe my eyes at his antics before going over to replay the music. "next time?"

"well, learning to dance takes time doesn't it?" walker asks.

i lean my head to the side and make a so-so gesture with my hands. "depends on how good your musicality is i think." i play a random upbeat song again from my playlist. "clap the beat to this song." i tell him.

it takes him a second but he gets it right first try. i repeat the instructions for an even faster song and then a slow song, and he gets all three right. "that was pretty good." i say walking over to him, preparing to teach him the choreography.

walker flexes his muscles jokingly as i laugh. "right so you start with your left leg-"

and that's how every weekend went for us since then. i'd finish with freestyle, walker would meet me in the top studio and then we'd go over last week's choreo before learning something new to add to it. walker's pretty much a pro.

we finished my technical routine weeks ago but it was clear that neither of us wanted this to end. eventually i just ended up teaching him all of my routines and when that was done, i'd teach him the combo i learned in freestyle just an hour before.

speaking of my routines, i haven't ever forgotten one of them since i started teaching walker. i guess now i know what they say is true: the best type of revision is teaching it to someone else.

they don't say anything about the someone else being your cute boyfriend, but that helps too.

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hey this was kinda cute. a bit short but i'm literally writing this on friday so it's have to do.

SO i'm thinking about writing a finn wolfhard imagines book but i found with publishing these imagines it wasn't a great idea to start with nothing. with my mason imagines book i think i wrote like fifteen chapters before i published anything at all so tht's what i'm gonna try to do for the finn imagines xx

"everywhere i go leads me back to you💗"
i miss you i'm sorry - gracie abrams

 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 - w.scobellWhere stories live. Discover now