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summary: y/n and walker stay up late night talking
genre: flufffffff
warnings: swearing, play fighting kinda sorta

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i was starting to get pissed off. i'd been moving around the bed trying to get comfy but it just wasn't working. why couldn't i just fall asleep? i knew it was starting to get on walker's nerves. maybe its just because it's the first time he's sleeping over in the same bed.

i was weirdly aware of him now, even though he fell asleep before me. then i heard "are you having a spaz attack?" from over my shoulder. "you've been tossing and turning for like half an hour. what's wrong?" he pulled my shoulder back to make me face him.

"i don't know. i can literally sleep fine, but now you're here and i can't sleep."

he snorted "gee thanks y/n."

i smacked him. "you know what i mean."

we laid in silence, looking over each others features before walker piped up "you're wearing my hoodie."

i look down to see he's right. "shit sorry."

"it's fine, i was gonna get rid of it anyways. especially now you've worn it." he said with a stupid smile i could barely make out in the dark. it was only as i started to hit him that he whisper-yelled "okay OKAY geez!"

the silence came back. walker's hand subconsciously fell on my hip and i smiled. "it looks pretty good on you baby."

i scoff "pretty good? you know pretty good is, like, the cousin of yeah i guess?"

walker rolls his eyes playfully "are you always this needy or is it just when you can't sleep?" i smacked him again for that.

i got bored of the silence returning once again. "do you believe in true love?" i wondered out loud. i couldn't really tell, but i think walker made a questioning face before smiling slightly.

"not until you came along."

"that was smooth," i said, thankful for the dark hiding the blush on my face. "thank god for me then, huh?"

"yeah yeah okay buddy." he pushed my head back lightly and i laughed.

the next two hours were full of stupid questions like "does anyone actually like the snow?" "would you change your name?" "why would you change your name to that?" "do you wanna get married in, like, ten years?" "do you love me?" "would you love me if i was a worm?"

(i tried to give walker silent treatment after he said ew no worms are gross but he started kissing me so the conversation started up again)

"are you kidding? toby maguire was definitely the best spider man!" walker looked so offended it made me laugh a little too loud at him.

"no, he had the best suit. that's as far as it goes. andrew garfield is the best spider man on all fronts."

"shut up y/n you think celery tastes good."

"it does!"

by this point we were wrapped up in each other's arms with no intention of letting go. i look up at walker while my head is resting on his chest and he angles his head down slightly to face me. "you're delusional."

"only for you."

"w rizz i guess."


walker shoved a hand over my mouth to shut me up, making my statement slightly muffled at the end, even though he laughed too loud as well. "shut up oh my god i'm gonna piss myself."

i raised my eyebrows and a muffled sentence left my mouth. "so sorry i can't hear you right now." walker said annoyingly.

i licked his hand and he pulled away grossed out. "i said, if you dare piss on me i'll throw you out the window."

"ah, lovely."

i felt my eyes droop slowly and reach up to play with walker's hair. i didn't want to go to bed without saying i love you, so after a quick yawn i said "i love you walker."

"i guess i love you y/n."

"do you want a smack? because you're fucking asking for one!"

we didn't sleep until 5:30 am.

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was listening to my hopeless romantic playlist while writing these what a vibe. FAYE WEBSTER ML THANK YOU FOR WRITING THE BEST MUSIC!!

"it's you, it's you, it's all for you, everything i do. i tell you all the time, heaven is a place on earth with you💗"
video games - lana del ray

 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 - w.scobellWhere stories live. Discover now