611 22 33

summary: you've been getting hate online and walker isn't having it
genre: little bit of angst, mostly fluff
warnings: swearing, kissing, hateful comments
i've realised swearing and kissing are warnings on basically on every imagine that i write lmao😭

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my eyes feel damp and heavy and i shiver under my covers. i haven't left my bed in a day and i don't plan to for at least a few more. the curtains are drawn closed and there are a few plates and cups in my room from my mum bringing me food yesterday.

it's not like anyone wants to see me anyway.

i hear a knock on my bedroom door and sigh. "not right now mum." my voice scratches my throat but that's a given because of all the crying.

"okay sweetie." i hear walker's voice from the other side of the door pretending to be my mum. "seriously y/n/n are you okay? you haven't responded to me and your mom says you haven't got out of bed since yesterday." after a while of my silence he says again "are you good?"

i just sigh and say "yeah."

then there's silence, like walker is thinking what to do next. "can i come in?" he asks.

at this point i've given up and just reply with "sure."

the door creaks open and the light from the hallway shocks me for a moment. then a shadow blocks the light and i can see his worried face clearly. walker rushes over to me and sits beside me on the bed. "what's wrong baby?" he asks as he runs his fingers through my hair.

that's when i just completely give in. i sit up and shove my face in his neck, wrapping my arms around him and just start sobbing. he rubs up and down my back and i just keep on crying.

when we pull away i can't help but apologise but walker immediately shuts it down. "you don't have to apologise baby."

but i shake my head while i let out a small chuckle. "no i- i got your shirt wet." he looks down and sees the little spots of tears on his top and stays silent, making me laugh a little bit more. walker seems to smile at the sight of me laughing and pulls me in for a hug again.

"do you mind if i post something about it?" he asks. i wasn't really sure if i wanted the world to know i was bothered about it. but then how would they ever stop? "y/n? i won't if you really don't want me to."

"what do you think?"

he looks around the room before looking back into my eyes. "it's up to you."

cheers for that walker. really helpful.

"you can, just don't get too into it. i don't need sympathy." he smiles at me and kisses the top of my head before pulling out his phone. one arm is slung around my shoulders so i can see what he writes.

'i really don't know how to start this because i never thought i'd have to. respectfully stop talking shit about my girlfriend she doesn't deserve it.'

i kissed him as he pressed send and he dropped his phone to talk hold of my face. his hands drop down to my waist to hug me and hold me close to him.

he turns his phone onto do not disturb.

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i'm so sorry this is short and the chapters are late but i'm trying i promise😭😭

mason preferences will be up some time this week x

"i'm grateful you're mine 💗"
nothing - bruno major

 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 - w.scobellWhere stories live. Discover now