Not the Expected Outcome | Pt.1

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It was a normal Sunday. Putty woke up, got dressed, then headed to the church.

Usually, he would want to die if he woke up at 6:30 am just to go to church but today he was feeling great! He was PUMPED! (some might say.)

He got out of his red convertible and looked at his license plate. SEXYYYYYYY.

"Damn right" he muttered to himself

He cringed a little. Maybe not that confident, revs.

He unlocked the church and opened the double doors. Ah, nothing like the beautiful stained glass windows letting in the colorful sunlight.

He saw a rainbow-ish hue on the ground. It reminded him of gay people. He clenched his hand in a fist.

Calm down... you're having a good day. don't let the windows get to you. Besides, rainbows are just God's promise of no flood like Noah's. Right? Yeah! The rainbow is God's promise. Not RAINBOW PEOPLE.

He smiled to himself then walked to his little office corner.

He saw the clock on his desk, 7:27 am.

People would be flooding in those double doors any minute, waiting to praise God.

Did he even prepare for his sermon?? Oh no...

Surely he could scrap something together quickly. 7:29 am. He HAD to go to the doors to greet people.

He quickly made his way to the double doors and opened them. People flooded in, rushing to their spots in the pews.

"Hi, Hello, Hi, Hello, Good Morning" he greeted awkwardly as people walked past him

Orel stopped, which made everyone else behind him stop.

"Not this little shithead." he thought to himself

Orel started yapping about how happy he was or whatever.

Clay, Bloberta, and their "other kid" were even annoyed.

Putty was blocking out Orels rant, still worried about what he was going to say for his sermon. Je was completely unprepared.

He immediately snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the most agitating voice ever.

"They never make these loose enough down south"

It was Danielle Stopframe.


"bought these in Argentina, heh heh" the man walked past Putty, whose jaw was dropped in shock. What the FRICK was he doing there??!?!

Wasn't he a satanist? and a f-f-f-f-fa-....Putty you can't say that word. Or. Shouldn't.

He knew EXACTLY what the sermon was going to be today. For his special guest.

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