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Emerys pov :

3 years ago...

"Lets go to go to the tree house!" I tell Aiden excitedly " Ok, let's go!"
He says while grabbing my hand and pulling me out the back door to the tree house.

The tree house in the his back yard in a huge oak tree with a rope latter that goes up it.

I've always been kinda scared to go up the latter cause it so flimsy. But Aiden always helps me go up and over the past year I've been able to go up by myself .

When finally reach the tree house Aiden asks "do you want me to help"

"nope" I say while popping the p then start climbing up when I get about half way my foot slips, landing in aidens arms with a 'oof'
"Are you ok?" Aiden ask frantically while searching my face and mommy arms for any scratches "I'm ok calm down!" I exclaim and cup his face in my hands

We just stare into each others eyes and next thing I know his lips are in mine.

I freeze as his lips still move agains mine, but eventually start kissing him back and wrap my arms around his neck and thread my fingers through his blond wavy hair.
He bites my bottom lip and my lips part and he takes that chance to slip his tongue into my mouth and kiss him hard then before I moan into his mouth earning a groan from him.

Eventually we pull apart he rest his four head agains mine when he smiles at me showing his cute dimples that I've always adored I smile back at him and peck his lips one more time before he finally sits me down on the ground. His arms still wrapped around my waist

"We can't do this." Aiden says after a moment i frown " Why? I've always had a crush on you but I never thought you liked me back."I say

" I don't like you back" he says I frown and pull out of his hold and take a big step back " Then why did you kiss me ?" I ask

"I was lost in the moment. I regret the kiss, can we just forget about it?" He ask taking a step towards me

" Yeah. Ok. I'll just forget about it you stealing my first kiss!" I say sarcastically  " That was your first kiss?" He ask while running his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah thanks for making it special!" I say sarcastically and start heading back across the street to my house, I hear him calling my name but I ignore it and keep walking towards my house not caring to look both ways before crossing the road

I hear Aiden call my name one more time before I hear a 'honk' next thing I know every thing goes black.

Aidens pov:

I watch as the girl I've always lo-liked runs away from me, I am so fucking dumb why did I do that? I keep asking my self frantically.

I've broken the girls heart! "You idiot!" I yell to self as I hold my face in my hands, that was her first kiss and I ruined it! She told me once she wanted her first kiss to be special with some one she really liked.

And that was probably the best kiss I've ever had, Even if it was her first.

I start to call her name as she continues walking away. When she reaches the road she doesn't bother looking both ways before crossing the road to her house.


Next thing I know she's on the ground. "Emery!" I yell as I run frantically towards her when I get to her she's got cuts and scratches every were she's bleeding out,laying in a large puddle of blood. Her blood.

𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 Where stories live. Discover now