Chapter 1: The plan

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Authors Note: I also have this posted on AO3 under the username: Stargazer360

Joanna sat in her room, staring at the framed holo-photo of her and her father from her eighth birthday. His arm was wrapped around her shoulders, both smiling brightly at the camera.

She missed him terribly. It had been years now since she had last seen him, she was now fourteen years old. Her mother's second marriage had been a mistake, and her new stepfather was cold and distant. Joanna longed for her father's warmth, humor, and the way he always made her feel special. Her Mother tended to ignore her for long periods of time, focusing on her new husband instead.

She knew her Dad was busy exploring space on the Enterprise, but she couldn't help feeling abandoned. Especially since her own mother seemed to have better things to do than pay attention to her as well.

She made up her mind. She was going to run away to see him, even if just for a little while. She knew the Enterprise was stopping at Star Base 12 for resupply, and she could catch a shuttle there to surprise him.

"Mom won't even notice I'm gone," she whispered to herself, determination flooding her veins. "I'll make it quick. Just a short visit, then I'll come back."

She knew it wouldn't be easy, but the mere thought of seeing her father again outweighed any fear or hesitation. "Computer, display shuttle schedule," she commanded, her eyes scanning the screen for the right timing. Spotting an upcoming departure window, she clenched her fists and took a deep breath. "This is it. I'm going to see Dad."

With careful precision, Joanna researched the transport schedules and booked her passage under a pseudonym. The night before her departure, she packed a small bag with necessities, taking extra care not to leave any traces of her plans behind. She bought a ticket with the money she'd been saving for years. Joanna waited until the middle of the night to sneak out of the house. Her heart pounded as she walked through the dark streets to the shuttle port.

Joanna's heart pounded in her chest as she boarded the shuttle, her small bag clutched tightly against her side. Glancing around cautiously, she chose a seat near the back, away from prying eyes. As the shuttle hummed to life, she couldn't help but feel both excitement and terror welling up inside her.

"Is this really happening?" she asked herself, her voice barely above a whisper. Her hands shook slightly, gripping the armrests as the shuttle began to lift off.

Her heart raced with anxiety and excitement. What would her father say when he saw her? What if her father didn't recognize her? Would he be angry that she ran away? What if he didn't want to see her after all this time? She pushed those worries aside, clinging to the hope of being reunited with him again.

Joanna gazed out at the front viewport of the shuttle, watching the stars blur into starlines as they jumped to warp speed. The hum of the shuttle's engines vibrated through Joanna's body as it surged through the vast expanse of space toward Starbase 12. She clutched her bag tightly, trying to quell the nervous energy coursing through her veins.

"Excuse me, miss," the shuttle attendant said, snapping Joanna out of her reverie. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Uh, no, thank you," Joanna replied, struggling to sound composed. The attendant nodded and moved on, leaving Joanna with her racing thoughts.

"Only a few more hours," she told herself, Joanna imagined her father's reaction when he saw her. Would his eyes light up with joy as he enveloped her in a warm hug? Or would they narrow in disapproval, demanding an explanation for her reckless actions?

"Whatever happens, it'll be worth it," Joanna thought, her heart swelling with love for her father despite the uncertainty that lay ahead. "I just need to see him again."

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