Where am I?

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Quick side note: Y/N(your name) is a male robot in this

"daycareAttendant4.exe powering on..." My internal speakers said, as I slowly gained vision from the black space I just saw a few seconds ago. I slowly blinked my robotic eyes open, feeling energized and alert.

"Oh! You're awake!"

I looked to my right side and saw an unfamiliar male in sage green baggy overalls, and a white shirt with multiple oil stains and had a logo that said, "Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaplex" printed onto it.

By instinct, without me realizing, I scanned him, and a profile popped up on my screen:


Name: Dante

Looks: Ash blonde hair, freckles, green eyes, fairly well built, and is 6'2

Age: 24

Occupation: Freddy Fazbear Pizzaplex Maintenance worker / Engineer

"Um, where am I? What the heck just happened? Why do I know all this info about you!?" I sputter out, to which Dante blinks at the sudden outburst from me.

"Ahhh, right, I have to go over the basics!" He said excitedly, clasping his hands together. He turned around quickly, and got some papers that were all stapled together, and rushed back to me.

I became confused as he handed the papers to me, and I looked down at them. It was a manual on how my body functioned, and each page was for each function.

"Okaaay, now you can review that later, but for now we have to make sure every body part is working!" Dante announced, putting his hands on his hips.


34 minutes later...

After we had finished testing my bodily functions, he helped me stand up, when I saw myself in the mirror.

I was a male sheep themed animatronic, my fluff / fur or whatever colored a pastel grayish blue, and what seemed to be my "hooves" were a deep brown.

I also had bright yellow eyes, and my appearance reminded me of dreams, somehow. (If you couldn't tell by this hint y'all are gonna be in the daycare)

"Soooo, the manager said you're gonna be working with..Sun, Moon, and ugh.. Soleil. Be careful around Soleil, he's a GIANT asshole when the kids aren't around," Dante sighs, disappointed that his creation would have to deal with that little bastard- I mean, robot.

"Who's that..?" I question with a slight curious tilt of my head as I peer at him.

"Ah- You'll see when you meet him.." Dante sighed, shaking his head, before continuing on, "Anyways! Since you got your instructions manual, you might want to go over that with Sun and Moon, who you'll also meet when you get to the daycare." He counted things off with his fingers.

I nod, listening quietly, as he continued to blabber on, before saying a sentence that was actually useful.

"I'll lead you to the daycare, and I'll show you to your room! Whiiiich, your room will obviously be by the daycare-" He finished, and helped me out of the protective cylinder, which he then led me to the exit door for the room that was labeled P&S, aka parts and services.

I followed quickly, having to more so jog because he was so excitedly running as my steps sound more like loud metal 'clomps'. As we went toward the daycare, I observed my colorful surroundings, and saw that there were tons of cardboard cutouts of some cuddly looking bear, hungry looking chicken, relatively pretty wolf, and seemingly aggressive alligator.

I was confused by this, but shrugged and went on with it as we approached a well- lit waiting area, and ways away we're a staircase and net that had a slide cut into it that said 'Slide Into Fun'.

I tilted my head at that, and then looked at Dante, "Where's the daycare entrance?" I questioned him.

"Well it's here! Or at least the fun way to enter!" Dante grinned proudly, gesturing to the 'Slide Into Fun' slide.

"O-Oh- Alright." I nod, and hesitate for a moment; would I be too big? What if I got stuck??

It almost seemed as if Dante had read my mind.

"Oh don't worry! I did all the measurements to make sure you'd fit! Fluff and all!" Dante grins, and since I was 7'5, he had to tiptoe to pat my head, which was covered in alternative fur, which wasn't REAL fur.


End of Chapter One

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