Chapter 6: The Day Before

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Its been 2 weeks since i last wrote! I havent been writing because i've been busy. Sorry! Well i me and Yousef been talking on the phone and face timing a lot now. I guess i can say were really good friends! I cant say best friends YET. 

Tomorrow was my first day of University. Yousef gave me some tips because he is an actor for youtube. I guess it helped me. 

I started this day waking up fully awake for once. I guess it was because i was gonna go get starbucks. I can never get tired of the Cotton Candy Fab. So i was excited for that i kept baby at home though.

I took a shower as as usual, Did my hair, Wore a black shirt from pink with black leggings. Did a smokey eye makeup look. Baby was still asleep so then i left the building. Walking to Starbucks.

I got to starbucks and a 

guy said to me: "Nice Ass" 

I was very alarmed that he had the guts to say that: " UMM pervert much" 

He looked like a prev with blonde hair and black eyes, and looked like a raper. I got my drink and left he started following me i was scared and ran back to my apartment before i could open my door the man grabbed me.


He dropped my drink and i see Yousef coming down the hall the man grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall. Yousef then went behind him tapped him and punched him. I put my hands covering my mouth suprised.

Yousef said anergy: "You have no fucking respect to do his man"

The man got up with a bleeding nose: "You think your so tuff? This is my women now Back off"

I cut the man off and said: "Umm No you fucking prev" 

The man slapped me and started hitting me. Yousef started beating his ass.

Yousef told him to stay the fuck away and told him to leave he left. I was stuck with hurting bruise. Yousef then helped me up and took me to his apartment i blacked out. when i was walking. I woke up on a grey sofa and Dallor beside me cuddling with me. The wall behind me was painted red with a high roof. His apartment was nice i then started looking for yousef and i hear a ding  on my phone. A text from him. He said he went to get some food and coming back. I typed back Okay. I went to the washroom to see the damage that had happened. I aparently had a bleeding lip and a black eye my arms were bruise. I was hideous. But i guess i had to deal with it. Yousef came into the door he caught me making Dallor food. As he walked in i ran to him and hugged him. 


he started to laugh and say: "Haha no problem it was fun!"

"I went to get Starbucks and he started following. Its my fault ahah"

Yousef: "No dont blame yourself it was his"

I smiled and we ate this arabic food shawarma. He asked him i've ever tried this type of food.

I said: "Are you kidding? My mom always makes it, She always makes arabic food that all we eat"

"Wait your arab?"

I said with a smile: "HAHAAH you didnt notice already?"

He was suprised then started to video with his what he calls Vlog Camera. I told him he could show my face and he shared the story that happened. I told some of it. After what he did we started hugging. He walkled me to my apartment as i got there i hugged him and we were both leaning for kiss then i turned my head and said

"Uhh well thanks again" with a smile

"No problem" He said calmly.

I walked in my apartment. I started testing some of my makeup skills to hide the beaten up marks on my face i got it working but had a shade of darkness. 

I got tired and took off my makeup played with Baby for a bit. Then went to my room. Put on my Pj's. i've been starting  to watch Yousef's,i've been watching him for a few days now. I watched his Vlog channel. Dose Of Fousey. I came across the vlog when we first meant and i kept replying the part when he talked about me when i wasn't there, When ever that part played i would get a smile with no control. I didnt know what it meant.  I suddenly fell asleep watching him.

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