-Chapter 2:"Magical Honey Badger..what?"-

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World:Multiverse of Wattpadia (HSR).

Alfred "Cerastes" Schmeider.

March 7, 2095.

Location:City of Dreams, Codenamed:Penacony.

"No I didn't trip, the floor looked like it needed a hug" - ???


As he got away from them, he then stopped to rest and take a breather break..

Cerastes:"*phew*.. got away from those.. characters.."

He then inspected his Honey Badger.. admiring it in it's multiversal form..

Cerastes:"what the hell happened to my Honey Badger

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Cerastes:"what the hell happened to my Honey Badger.. what kind of wizardry is this?"

It spoke or whispered to him.

"Never be feared, Alfred. We are essence of the characters that we must aid you in this new world adventure.. and while guarding the two fan-popular maidens.."

Cerastes:"h-how did you know my name?"

"We are all knowing.. we know who you are.. a foreign mercenary from a foreign world who was lost in this multiverse filled with unimaginable things.."

Cerastes:"why choose my Honey Badger then? You could've just gone after like the multiverse character's weapons like a sword or something but why my grinded rank 62 suppressed carbine?"

"You seem to ask this question. Perhaps you are really new to this world after all.."

"I, Penacony's Whisper the one who chosen your.. 'Honey Badger' for a purpose.. for you to be their guardian also for I to aid your adventures..I can be a little small guide for the multiverse of wattpadia."

Cerastes:"huh... Can't believe I'm talking to a magical Honey Badger.."

Cerastes:"anyways.. aside being a guide and a purpose to guarding these.. Penacony and Astral Express maiden.. what are your combat benefits? Like do you have laser accuracy.. non-existent bullet velocity.. a damage multiplier?"

"Good question.. your so called Honey Badger's rounds have precise and accurate velocity.. and your little damage multiplier which I can tell is a bonus damage in my perspective will be to Mara-struck monster which is 50% while normal threats will sometimes do 25% increased damage..and your suppressed gunshots are magical.."

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