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Upon entering the store:
- "hi!"

- "how are you doing today?"

- "welcome!!"

- "let me know if you need anything."

Upon entering the store again in the same run, changed lines:
- "welcome back!"

- "nice to see you again."

Upon entering the store again in the same run, if the PLAYER had bought anything previously, additional lines:
- "just to let you know, the <item(s)> are/is out of stock. sorry. well, i mean, you probably already knew that, butt.."

When trying to buy an item without enough cash, after interacting with CASHIER:
- "..oh. you don't have enough?"
"here. take this. no need to pay me back."

- "again?"
"here, let me see what i have."
"..this is all i got. sorry if it's not enough."

When trying to buy an item without enough cash, after interacting with CASHIER, if the PLAYER had already previously borrowed money twice:
- "really wish i could help, but i don't have any more cash on me.."

When store item is thrown at:
- "ow! what was that for?"

- "stop that."
"you're doing this on purpose, aren't you?"

- "no. like, seriously. cut it out."
"you throwing everything at me literally means i'll have to order every single item again."

- "yeah. i would move, but for some reason i can't.."
"but that doesn't mean you should keep doing it, does it?"

- "oh. so apparently it does."

- "..."

- "..so you're just going to throw everything here at me."
"you don't even get anything for doing this."

- "..."

- "ouch."

- "well, that's everything. what are you gonna do, throw the cash register at me next?"

- "..okay, actually, please don't do that."

When found outside the store:
- "hello!"
"your name is on your shirt. that's neat."
"do you talk at all?"
"...sorry, that was rude of me.."
"i mean, it's fine if you don't. really."
"you seem nice."
"oh. don't go inside the freezer. that thing locks. trust me, i know.."
"you've seen the orb, haven't you?"
"i'm not a fan of it, honestly.. it doesn't give me a great feeling."
"..you have any pets?"
"well, i sure do. a cat. she's really sweet!"
"i've been here for a while."
"..i should probably head back inside.."
"nice talking to you!"

When found outside the store, if the PLAYER egged CASHIER's car, additional lines:
- "i see you egged the front of cashier's car?.."
"haha! maybe i should try that sometime."
"don't worry, i won't tell him."

When found outside the store, if the PLAYER's house is on fire:
- "what's up?"
"..is something wrong? you look like you just blew up your house or something."
"...what's that?"
"oh. oh dear."

If found beside the counter while CASHIER is on break:
- "hi! something you need?"
"..you want me to go outside?"
"how come?"
"i mean, if you're gonna steal something..."
"nevermind. sorry for asking. i'll go."

If encountered while the world is flooding:
- "dude, what the heck happened?!"
"i gotta go. i need to make sure my aunt is fine. my cat, too.."
"get somewhere safe, okay?!"
"oh god.."

If PLAYER takes bow:
- "please give that back."

If PLAYER takes bow and throws it in the trash, additional lines:
- "..dude, what'd you do that for?"
"what is wrong with you?!"
"..sorry. just, go away. please."

Upon entering the store again in the same run, if PLAYER had previously thrown away bow, changed lines:
- "..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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