DWAH Chapter One

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Dedicated to my friend, Rayne.

All rights reserved.

Copy Right Of Jenny Luong (OhhJenn) 2011.

Chapter One

The moonlight gleamed off my silver sword when I rose it over my head, ready to strike at a Shifter beneath my feet. He was unconscious, head to the side with fighting scars all over. I plunged the sword threw its heart, making it screech in horror and disappear into black smoke. My breathing slowed when I sat under an old oak tree. The cemetery seemed quiet and bright. I ripped a small strip of fabric off my top and wrapped it around my bleeding wrist. The Night Crystal made me feel weak and tired. My sword glowed a light yellow and shrunk back into a small lightning necklace, placed in my hand. I never went anywhere without it. The necklace was impossible for anyone to take off, but easy for me. I pushed my back against the tree to support me while I rose slowly. Step by step, I walked home like a zombie. I stumbled up my doorsteps and leaned against the door taking deep breaths. My keys were somewhere in my pockets, but I couldn't quite find it for a second. After a while, feeling like it took hours or searching, I felt it in my hands. I struggled to fit it in the lock. When I finally did, I fell onto the floor feeling dizzy. I kicked the door closed before blacking out from that night...

My head was still spinning when I woke around 7:35 AM. I stood up and coughed a few times before I got to the shower. I turned on the water and let it run down my hair, waking me up from my daze. A few deep breaths would help me relax. I quickly undressed before walking in. Soon, the bathroom was filled with steam, fogging up the shower tiles and my mirror. I stepped out of the tub after 20 minutes and wrapped new bandages around my arm. They didn't hurt as much and I did heal quickly. I watched one of my wounds close and gleam before it blended in with my skin. I was back to ordinary me, just me for now.

I through on a plain navy shirt with a sweater on top to match my black jeans. Like usual, I do not eat, only drink what I need to survive. I left my house in a hurry to be able to get to second period. The principal granted me free of first because he knew what I was and what I do. He was a retired demon slayer, but after a while, he was killed...by me. Mr. Romarrez was like my mentor, my father and he started to become old and lose his mind. What had to be done, is done. No looking back for me, only forward. I've done so many evil in this world and really regret it, so I decided to do some good and eliminate the ones causing harm. My job. I walked into class and sat my the window next to Celia, my best friend.

"Hey. You okay? You didn't pick up yesterday when I called," she whispered when I sat down.

"I was on another job," I whispered back. She tapped her pencil gently against the table.

"Well, you should lay off for a while and just relax. You haven't answered my calls after 9 for the past month. And don't say it's your responsibility because it isn't." She furrowed her brows. I knew she was getting angry. Before she knew what I was, she thought I was just trying to avoid her, but I wasn't. It was all for her safetly, not matter how much I wanted to become her friend.

"I know. But I made the choice and I'm not going to change my mind. You have to understand that I have to do this." Celia frowned a bit and turned her chair more towards me.

"Sorry. It's just that I barely get to hang out with you anymore and I'm worried sick when you don't answer. I have to wait till school to be able to know for sure if you're okay." She shuck her head and apologized again. "Sorry."

"I should be sorry. How about this." I smiled. "I'll call you when I get back and we can go do something this Saturday?"

"Okay." She smiled back. "So did you do your homework?" She asked.

"Crap. I forgot to." Actually, I didn't. I had fainted and couldn't do it at all.

"Here." She dug in her bag and handed me an essay. "I did yours since I knew you were too busy to work on it."

I hugged her and smiled even wider. "Thanks a lot Celia. This is why you're my best friend." I caught a strange kid's eyes when I looked behind her. His dark hair was cut short with grey stormy eyes. He quickly averted his eyes when he caught me staring back. I pulled away and looked over Celia work.

"Okay everyone. Hand in your assignments." Mrs. Abburns said as she started walking around the class. She took the work out of my hand when I was reading through it quickly. "I hope you did as well as you did the last time, Miss King." She said to me before walking on to the next table.

I frowned and rested my chin in my palms. Another boring day of school. Six hours. Three hundred and sixty minutes. Twenty one thousand and six hundred seconds. Great.


The bell rang loudly, signaling everyone that the day was finished. Celia stood up, looking down on me with her books wrapped in her arms. I quickly shoved my notes into random books before getting up and walked out of class with Celia by me side.

"So what do you want to do on Saturday?" She asked with a small, squeaky excited tone.

I shrugged slightly, still continuing walking down the hall. "I don't know." I said as we stopped by our lockers, closest to the gymnasium, and unlocked it. Celia's locker was the red one next to mine. It was full of pictures of Ryan Reynolds, which was weird, but I'll give her credits for picking someone that was cute and had an 8-pack. She even had a bobble head of him. I've always laughed at her because of that. One year, as her birthday wish, she told me to stalk him and take a few pictures and souvenirs of his things. I may have taken a pair of his shorts for her along with his toothpaste.

She closed her locker and peeked into mine. "How about we hang out at your house and have a sleepover? It's been so long since one of us had one, and we have to work on our project. We can have a makeover and do manicures!" Celia said it in a rush sentence. It was just a few reasons for her to make me say yes. Trust me, she can go forever if you allowed her.

A small laughed escaped my lips. "Sure. I'll meet you at my house at 6 PM alright? I need to clean up a bit."

She nodded and jumped up and down like a child getting candy. "That's fine with me! Okay, I'll get my stuff ready! Talk to you later!" Celia patted my back and speed walked out of the school. I laughed one more time and moved my subjects into my bag for the next day, but it was obvious that I wouldn't do any. I locked my locker back up and walked towards the exit. The halls were mostly cleared out of kids since it was Friday except for some emo kids in the corner near the east fountain. I stepped in front of the door and pushed it gently open.

The sun hit my pupils the moment I stepped into the light. It made my vision a bit blurry since I was inside all day. I raised my hand under my eyebrows to create a bit of shade for my eyes. When my vision adapted the scenery and brightness, I lowered my hand and started to walk home. I passed a few students from an unfamiliar school close by and spotted some Shifters following them. I should of done someting, but not in the middle of daylight, so I let it go, just for today. It didn't seem that long of a walk when you have music playing. I opened the door and walked in, closing it behind me. I pulled off my bag and sat it at the edge of the couch before doing a bit of cleaning. Usually, I don't clean, but it's different today because Celia's staying over and she's a totally a cleaning freak, but in a good way.

I pushed my clothes into the closet and put some folded ones on top to make it look nice. When I was finished, I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes. It was only 4:24, so I had time for a quick nap. My eyelids felt so heavy when I blinked a few times. I snuggled closer to my pillow and quilt before really drifting off to sleep.

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