DWAH Chapter Two

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Ugh ! I haven't posted a chapter for so long !! Ah ! Me so sorry !! T_T Well don't worry ! I still remember where I was at, sort of xD


Chapter Two

In my mind, I saw Shifters. Shuffling quietly behind humans and waiting, waiting for a gimps of a weakness so they can strike at any moment. Grasping for another chance at life. It wasn't because they wanted to smile, laugh or do anything they used to, but harm people. They fed off peoples' sadness, amplified emotions, and their souls. Some poor, unlucky humans that only lost part of their soul, started to lose their sanity and eventually turn into a Shifter themselves. After when the Shifters have fully developed the body change, they take off and find new ones to take over, leaving the humans' shells behind. Then comes an opportunity for the demons to rise with another chance of life. Just a vicious cycle.

I walked past the humans, their eyes straight ahead with darkened shadows following menacingly behind their heels. All were migrating in one direction, towards a cliff plunging into a pit of fire. I saw a few familiar faces, but one specifically caught my attention. It was obviously a woman, but she had no recognizable face. She wore a deep blue dress, with patches of blood dripping from her shoulder, and caressing her finger tips. Her feet were bare against the spiky, uneven concrete ground. For some reason, I wanted to hold her back from the crowd and save her, but I knew I couldn't reach any of them. There was something that held me back, a small barrier like glass.

The faceless woman stopped, just in front of me, turning it's face towards me. I could hear words swirling around my body, feeling it weighing me down to the Earth. The voice kept repeating itself, speaking derectly at me. Remember the pain you cost everyone. Remember the pain you cost everyone. Remember the pain you cost everyone.

I shuck my head, trying to get the words out of my mind. "I didn't do anything!" I yelled into the air.

You killed many. Do not deny it. Remember the pain you cost everyone.

"They were not human! They were demons and Shifters." I turned in a circle, speaking to the humans.

That is not the point! Look at all these souls you killed! You were supposed to help them back to there lost bodies, not let them go into Heaven and Hell. Her face started to come together, forming eyes, a nose and lips. Now I know why she was so familiar. She was my mom ... I felt tears rushing down my face. It has been 15 years since I have seen her. She died when I was 2, so I barely saw her face. But she looked nothing different than her pictures my dad had. Her blonde hair entwined with a red bow appearing on her head.

Sweetheart. She said in a sweeter voice. You have to return the lost souls. The world needs balance. My mom's smile grew on her lips. She looked so much like me; her eyes, her nose, her hair. I barely have any of my dad's features except his high cheekbones and perfectly arched eyebrows.

"But mom! They're impossible to control and they never want to leave the realm." I fussed at her like a child wanting candy.

Then you have to find a way. No matter what, it's your job, your fate. She turned away, walking where the others were. I have to go. You 'have to' find a way.

I reached my hand out, snatching the ghostly part of her dress, seeing it slip threw my fingers as she walked over the edge. The floor started to crack even more, allowing heaps of fire breathe into the air around.

I can feel it.

The dream was becoming reality, or was developing the feeling and slowly coming to life.

The truth was: this was going to be reality if I don't listen to my dead mother.

I had to wake up and think. "Wake up!" I yelled at myself. The only way I could think of was going off the cliff. maybe that would help.

Slowly, I walked over, taking small steps. To be honest, very high heights weren't my thing. Breathing deeply, I lunged forward, off the stone cliff and down into a crack of fire. At the end of the long fall, all I felt was pain and nothing else. Just pain and the blackness around.


' Sorry, short chapter. Trying to think of more ideas & not the ones for my other story : )

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