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Time heals wounds. 4 years had passed since my last encounter with boys. I am still hurt but my wound is healing faster day by day. I focused more on my studies in the past few years. I don't find anything worth spending my precious time. I now graduated from university. I am happy. I can't wait to start work.Problems are always stuck to my tail and as usual, they follow me wherever I go. I can't find work. I already applied to more than 10 jobs and received no approval. I can't bear the life at home anymore. It's more than annoying. I am stuck in my room between four walls and have nothing to do. No TV, no computer, and even no books. It's not that they're not allowed but the content they have are not interesting.I am about 22 years old and still single. It's not something scaring me as much as it keeps me wondering. I wonder why can't I be married or even be in a relationship now. A lot of guys have seen me in the streets and came to my parents for a permission to marry me but I always refuse. I don't find any interest in any of those guys. Furthermore, I can't imagine any of them being my partner for the rest of my life. I am waiting for my soulmate, not a random person from the street. Sometimes I wish girls were the ones to ask for marrying a guy she likes. Why should they get the chances of choosing the most beautiful and wonderful girls and we have to be satisfied that a guy have been kind enough to like us? I could have chosen a guy with abs, who's handsome and strong. That the only thing I feel jealous about. I'll still wait.The guy who came to my parents today looks nice. He isn't that handsome but he is the type I would want to be my partner. He's a dietician. He lives in UAE. I've heard that it's a very civilized country and life is much easier there. He came for a vacation that would last 2 months. He wants to get married as soon as possible. I gave them a temporal approval and agreed to be his fiancée. This would give me some time to think about him and know if it would be a good idea to have him as a life mate. I hope we'll get closer.

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