ch 9 .

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 ch 9

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ch 9 . real korean family drama with real gay, homosexual, boy on boy activities 😱👨‍❤️‍👨🏳️‍🌈
w.c. : 2.6k

In the present moment, however, those needs are rapidly turning into wants, where Soonyoung is concerned. No matter how satisfying Jihoon finds their unexpected domestic harmony, there's no pretending he doesn't want to press into Soonyoung's space and kiss the skin beneath his ear, or rest his head on his lap, or pull him into bed (or into the shower, or over the table) and do an increasingly specific number of things both to and with him.

By the end of the week following the removal of Soonyoung's stitches, Jihoon is starting to feel a little crazy about it, and the worst part is that nobody seems to notice. He keeps waiting for Seokmin to remark on how often he mentions Soonyoung during their bi-weekly phonecalls, or for Seungcheol to venture a sly innuendo about bedsharing, but nothing happens. Over and over, he replays the night with the arnica in his memory, certain he hadn't imagined Soonyoung's interest in him - but how can he act on that basis alone? Soonyoung was vulnerable, hurting, and he trusted Jihoon to look after him. If there's even a chance that he was hinting at sex as an option out of gratitude, as a way to repay him - or worse, because he somehow felt obliged to offer - then Jihoon would be monstrous to bring it up again.

If he felt this way about anyone else, he realizes with an ironic huff, Soonyoung is the person he'd go to for romantic advice. But since it is Soonyoung he wants, he can't think of anyone he could possibly ask instead whose knowledge of the situation wouldn't potentially make it worse. Jeonghan is the obvious choice, but even if he was close enough to him to broach the topic, he could easily end up worried about his feelings jeopardizing his brother's living arrangements. Minghao is out for similar reasons, and even if that wasn't the case, he still isn't answering Soonyoung's texts. Seungcheol would be perfect, if not for the fact that he's an inveterate gossip and bound to tell Soonyoung all about Jihoon's feelings the minute he's out of earshot, and Mingyu, he knows with certainty, would tell him he has terrible taste in men, and to please raise his standards, and then firmly change the subject.

Which leaves Seokmin, who ought by rights to be his default choice for this sort of thing, not last on his list. He was, after all, the first person to whom Jihoon ever came out, and his time at university overlapped enough with his brother's that he knows Soonyoung personally, even if they haven't seen each other recently. Seokmin could give him good advice, if only Jihoon stopped waiting for him notice there was something to give advice about and asked him directly.

So why doesn't he want to do that?

He meditates on the question for another week before finally admitting, if only in the privacy of his mind, that he can't bear the thought of Seokmin pitying him; and what else could Seokmin do, when Soonyoung is so clearly out of Jihoon's league? It doesn't matter that Jihoon is apparently, in the eyes of others, gorgeous; he's also quiet, introverted to the point of being antisocial to the point of being boring. More than once, he's been told that he's an old man in a young man's body, stiff and far too set in his ways. Whereas Soonyoung, in addition to being beautiful, is confident, funny, talented, gregarious - a whirlwind of laughter and energy so infectious that it's easy to miss how fundamentally kind he is, how invested in helping others.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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