ch 4 .

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ch 4 . A completely normal possessive sugar daddy boyfriend behaviours regarding your homie slash roommate <33
w.c. : 2.0 k

The school year starts, and Soonyoung gets a job at one of the many cafés near campus. He is also, he assures Jihoon, aiming to pick up some money as a dance tutor eventually, but it's the kind of employment for which one needs either glowing personal references or formal qualifications, preferably both, and right now, Soonyoung has neither.

Jihoon makes a mental note to ask his father if anyone he knows has child interested in learning dance, and takes solace from the fact that, if nothing else, Soonyoung is at least eating properly. Even though Jihoon is invariably out the door before him, he makes sure to leave Soonyoung a serve of whatever he's cooked for breakfast, and to ask what he'd like for dinner - which, by mutual compromise, has shifted to 8pm.

Soonyoung quickly insists on sharing the cooking duties on the basis that, as Jihoon is paying for everything, he should at least be able to pull his weight somehow, and while there are a couple of awkward.

It is, Jihoon discovers, pleasant to have someone to come home to in the evenings. More than once, he catches Soonyoung slipping treats to his cat and feels too strangely fond at the sight to object to Soonyoung's presence in his bedroom. For all the years they've known each other, it's always been Soonyoung eagerly pushing into Jihoon's space, talking to fill the silence or slinging an arm over his shoulders, yet now that they live together, he's strangely shy about taking up space, hesitant even to share the lounge area unless Jihoon nods or speaks to signal his acceptance.

So when he overhears some guys gossiping about Soonyoung in the campus cafeteria, it's... not wholly unexpected, that he finds himself fighting a sudden urge to stand and confront them about it. He forces himself to be still, focusing on holding his chopsticks as perfectly as if his brother was watching, but cannot block out the sound of the conversation.

"What did they even adopt him? He's an utter good-for-nothing," says one.

"I heard," says another, in smirkful tones, "that Mrs Yoon caught him having an orgy in the family home."

A third voice interjects, which Jihoon recognises as belonging to Seungcheol's least favourite cousin. "An orgy?" he snorts. "I can't imagine even one woman wanting to sleep with Soonyoung, let alone four."

The first speaker sniggers. "Probably they were all boys. You know he likes them, too; he's shameless about it. Men like that have lower standards."

Jihoon grips his chopsticks so hard, the wood creaks.

"Didn't he hang around with those chinese transfer kids? Maybe it was with them." This from Seungcheol's cousin again.

"What, aren't they siblings? Don't be disgusting."

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