ch 6 .

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ch 6

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ch 6 . backstory reveal no cap no clickbait 100% real no scam fuck you Beom-ho
w.c. : 2.8 k

Dried and dressed in clean, soft pajamas, Soonyoung sits at the kitchen table, nursing a bowl of the soup Jihoon cooked for dinner between his tender hands. A wrapped icepack, periodically held to his eye and lip, sits on a plate beside him. The gash on his forehead has been treated with disinfectant and covered with gauze and plaster; Jihoon is of the firm opinion that it needs stitches, but he's yet to push the issue.

He watches Soonyoung eat the soup, and only remembers to have some of his own when Soonyoung pauses, spoon held halfway to his mouth, and gives him a pointed look. Soonyoung winces whenever the liquid touches his lip, but dutifully eats until there's nothing left.

Jihoon feels incongruously pleased by this, as though providing dinner is a genuine triumph, and hurries to take Soonyoung's empty bowl to the dishwasher before Soonyoung, stubborn man that he is, can insist on doing it himself.

"You should eat too," says Soonyoung, when Jihoon sits back down.

"Only if you use the icepack," Jihoon counters.

Soonyoung makes an exaggerated face, or tries to; mostly, he just winces. "Jihoon-ie is cruel," he grumbles, pressing the ice to his hurts.

Jihoon does not precisely bolt his food, but he does eat more quickly than is his habit. With his own bowl returned to the dishwasher, he hesitates, looks at the slump of Soonyoung's shoulders, and says, "You can sit in the lounge, if you'd prefer. It's more comfortable"

Soonyoung lets out a breath and puts down the icepack. "M-hm," he murmurs. He rises stiffly - his bruises must ache all over - and Jihoon is at his side in an instant, one arm gentle around him as he helps Soonyoung to his favourite spot on the sectional.

Soonyoung curls his legs up, sighing as he reclines on a pile of pillows, and before he can think to ask for it, Jihoon takes his favourite soft blanket from where it sits, folded neatly over the armrest, and spreads it over his legs. Then he sits down, body turned towards Soonyoung and closer than he usually would, because he wants to be able to offer physical touch if Soonyoung needs it.

Soonyoung looks at him and swallows, eyes watery for reasons that have nothing to do with melting ice. "All right," he says, softly. "All right." And then he falters, as though he has no idea what to say or how to say it.

"Start at the beginning," says Jihoon - gently, because Soonyoung deserves gentleness. "No rush."

Soonyoung nods. A sad smile ghosts his lips, then falls away when he finally starts to speak.

"After graduation, a group of us went out to celebrate. We were drinking, and of course we kept wanting more and more - it was that sort of night - and somehow we ended up in a different part of the town, at a bar we'd never been to before."

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