her secret

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(A/N) 'Words'=thoughts

Manx was a typical teenage girl, or so you would think, she had a secret, but more on that later

Today was like any other first day in junior high. She was slightly excited about getting into junior high, but only slightly, Manx was sitting at her desk, daydreaming

"Manx!" She looked up to hear her teacher calling her name

"27!" She panicked and yelled the first thing that came to mind

"This is English Manx, not math." The whole class snickered, and she blushed with embarrassment. Suddenly, the bell rang loudly, signaling the end of the school day

Manx rushed to get out of the classroom but was stopped by the class bully, Seth. "Hey Manx." Seth smiled, and he smiled at her! She was confused because he hated her

"Hey, Seth? What's up?" She smiled wearily at him."I was wondering if you were free later? To hang out, maybe, I just felt bad about bullying you last year. "

'Did Seth just ask me out?!' "Actually, I was heading out to the mountain... hey Seth? Can I trust you?" She was still weary of his sudden change in personality, but she needed someone to talk to

"I mean, I'd like you to be able to trust me again. Why?" They used to be best friends when they were kids

"I have a secret, and I need to tell someone... but I didn't know who to come to, and you caught me at the right time. " she smiled a little sweeter

"Manx, you can trust me, I know I've been mean, but I'd like to forget that and be your friend again," he smiled softly. "You don't have to forgive me."

"Oh, I forgave you the second you asked me to hang out! But would you like to come up to the mountains with me?" She didn't let him answer and grabbed his wrist, pulling him outside. She was so focused on getting outside the school that she didn't notice his slight blush

~time skip~ - to the hills!-

When they got to the edge of the forest, Manx walked right into the thick array of trees and bushes, while Seth was more careful

"Come on, Seth! You're taking forever! Plus, if you're too far away from me, the wolf pack might get you!" At this, he jumped and ran closer to Manx

"You didn't tell me there's wolves here!" He whispers, yells at her, and scoffs at that, finding his slight stupidity hilarious

"They won't hurt you if you're with me," she smiles brightly at him, grabbing his hand, pulling him into a large clearing with rocks and caves littered around

"How can you be so sure?" There was a low growling sound, and Manx bowed down tword the largest cave. She signaled him to bow, and he complied

"Have you ever wondered why you've never met my parents, considering you've been my best friend since we were kids?" She whispered at him

"A little, but I was never bothered by it!" He was still confused by the whole situation

"I'm not entirely human, and I was raised my wolves," a large fluffy gray wolf walked out of the cave

"Manx, why're you bowing down to your big brother?" The wolf smiled and pranced tword her and jumped on top of her, alarming Seth terribly

"Th-the wolf can talk!?" Seth was both confused and alarmed,"and he's your brother!?"

"Right, Rainy, this is Seth, my best friend from human school!" Rainy smiled at the boy, and a puff of smoke appeared, and the once wolf stood up as a tall man a few years older than Manx. He walked over to Seth and helped him stand up

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